A reclusive, morbidly obese English teacher attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter. [Tristan] You see drones, and you think, like, Oh, were gonna kill people with AI. And what people miss is that AI already runs todays world right now. And then if you start watching one of those videos, then it will recommend it over and over again. Cass, no ones forcing you to get one. [blows] Yeah. [Tim] Its plain as day to me. [sighs], [AI] New link! [Blue AI] My analysis shows that going political with Extreme Center content has a 62.3 percent chance of long-term engagement. That stuff is bad for you. Middle schools hard enough. Maybe the government is using the coronavirus as an excuse to get everyone to stay inside because something else is happening. Thats their business. It gives them a fiscal reason to not acquire every piece of data on the planet. the social dilemma transcript with timestampsbohnen fermentieren rezept. Some of the most developed nations in the world are now imploding on each other, and what do they have in common? 295 Followers. Send a wave. And all those protections and all those regulations are gone. Thats a separate discipline. So, you know, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, companies like this, their business model is to keep people engaged on the screen. [Yellow AI] Lets get back to making money, boys. [Jeff] Even knowing how these tricks work, Im still susceptible to them. [Justin Rosenstein] I was the coinventor of Google Drive, Gmail Chat, Facebook Pages, and the Facebook like button. [Joe] We could tax data collection and processing the same way that you, for example, pay your water bill by monitoring the amount of water that you use. [Shoshana Zuboff, PhD] This is what every business has always dreamt of: to have a guarantee that if it places an ad, it will be successful. [James] Actually, Ive been using a lot today. [Advertising/Yellow AI] Another ad teed up. Also Checkout: 20 Best Quotes Of Stephen King ADVERTISEMENT Previous Post 20 Best Quotes Of Stephen King Next Post [AI] Follow that up with a post from User 079044238820, Rebecca. We were not evolved to have social approval being dosed to us every five minutes. By state actors, by people with millions of dollars saying, I wanna destabilize Kenya. And, you know, we talked about having Mark have those dials. Skip over A, The, etc. [Bailey Richardson] The Internet was, like, a weird, wacky place. 2018. We should be live. Secara garis besar bercerita tentang dampak negatif media sosial dan dunia maya. I hate the other side. Thats where all this is heading. Read full review. I follow people on Twitter that I disagree with because I want to be exposed to different points of view. Citations are alphabetized by the first significant letter in the citation. The show credits social media with fuelling the rise of far-right and far-left groups across Europe, including Italy and Spain, while insisting it had a crippling impact on the 2016 US election. So, if a user was, for example, anti-vaccine or believed in chemtrails or had indicated to Facebooks algorithms in some way that they were prone to belief in conspiracy theories, Facebooks recommendation engine would serve them Pizzagate groups. Attributions of Causality. So, it really is this kind of prison experiment where were just, you know, roping people into the matrix, and were just harvesting all this money and and data from all their activity to profit from. And perhaps most importantly, our human our physiology, our brains have evolved not at all. Netflix just released a new documentary called The Social Dilemma. Im very concerned. [knocks lightly on door] Ben. Thats whats changed. Get any individual to seven friends in ten days. And then theres the advertising goal: to make sure that, as all thats happening, were making as much money as possible from advertising. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. We did that brilliantly at Facebook. [Tristan] If we dont agree on what is true or that there is such a thing as truth, were toast. Well learn how to live with these devices, just like weve learned how to live with everything else. And what this misses is theres something distinctly new here. The AIs are gonna get better at predicting what keeps us on the screen, not worse at predicting what keeps us on the screen. -You good? I feel like were headed toward dystopia. Thats what Im saying. Its seducing you. [vlogger] The only reason these teachers are teaching this stuff is cause theyre getting paid to. Ove is a curmudgeon-the kind of man who points at people he dislikes as if they were burglars caught outside his bedroom window. [Tristan] At the end of the day, you know, this machine isnt gonna turn around until theres massive public pressure. [Tristan] Many people call this surveillance capitalism, capitalism profiting off of the infinite tracking of everywhere everyone goes by large technology companies whose business model is to make sure that advertisers are as successful as possible. Every single action you take is carefully monitored and recorded. [reporter 1] Its not just COVID-19 thats spreading fast. [Tristan] From that perspective, you can have a very different understanding of what technology is doing. Okay, theres the supercomputer. That can be incredible, and thats worth a lot of money. Come here! Nobody is sick. [Tristan] And that was when I decided to make a presentation, kind of a call to arms. Tons and tons of computers, as far as the eye can see. Yeah. And they discovered that they were able to do that. Its Its manipulation. Because Because I think that this scares me to death. There are times when the interests of people, of users, is actually more important than the profits of somebody whos already a billionaire? It has its own goals, and it has its own means of pursuing them by using your psychology against you. Get out of the system. That directly affects the release of dopamine in the reward pathway. 31. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. So, if you can imagine, if a if a commercial enterprise builds an algorithm to their definition of success, its a commercial interest. [crew member coughs] And its not like were lab rats for developing a cure for cancer. [Tristan] People have no idea whats true, and now its a matter of life and death. What? Its absolutely absurd. GPH recently hosted a webinar entitled "The Social Dilemma: Ethics of Technology and Its Impact on Public Health" to address this question. And why we wanna do that is because if you ask people, Whats wrong in the tech industry right now? theres a cacophony of grievances and scandals, and They stole our data. And theres tech addiction. Because then it forces you into this vicious cycle where youre like, Whats the next thing I need to do now? [Tristan] We evolved to care about whether other people in our tribe think well of us or not cause it matters. All rights reserved. [Cass] Ben, Im serious. Each person has their own reality, with their own facts. But is there something that is beneath all these problems thats causing all these things to happen at once? [Tristan] When he later came on to NPR to say, Im sorry for believing this. And those growth tactics have then become the standard playbook for Silicon Valley. [Justin] When we were making the like button, our entire motivation was, Can we spread positivity and love in the world? The idea that, fast-forward to today, and teens would be getting depressed when they dont have enough likes, or it could be leading to political polarization was nowhere on our radar. And a new study sheds light on the link between mental health and social media use. Who else is an IB student being forced to analyze this? We had such envy for that, and it seemed so elegant to us and so perfect. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. The Social Dilemma explores the unintended and devastating consequences of social media including: polarization, isolation, anxiety, low self-esteem, disorientation from reality, and even violence against self or others. [interviewer] Um, it seems like youre very optimistic. Probably the cleverest element of persuasion was the translation of algorithms into what appear . A march. [Shoshana] Facebook conducted what they called massive-scale contagion experiments.. [Tim Kendall] I was the president of Pinterest. [Tristan] No one got upset when bicycles showed up. What was I supposed to do? That means we arent actually being objective, constructive individuals. The Social Dilemmais a 2020 Americandocudramafilm directed byJeff Orlowskiand written by Orlowski, Davis Coombe, and Vickie Curtis. [Roger] One of the problems with Facebook is that, as a tool of persuasion, it may be the greatest thing ever created. It worries me that an algorithm that I worked on is actually increasing polarization in society. [Justin Rosenstein] Even talking about an AI is just a metaphor. How much time can we get you to spend? [Jonathan] Theyre much less comfortable taking risks. [Cathy] Make sure that you get lots of different kinds of information in your own life. Exactly what image you stop and look at, for how long you look at it. Thats amazing. We want them to keep doing this with their finger. [Justin] So many of the problems that were discussing, like, around political polarization exist in spades on cable television. One thing they concluded is that we now know we can affect real-world behavior and emotions without ever triggering the users awareness. They dont have a They dont have a proxy for truth thats better than a click. [man 4] What I said was, I think the tools that have been created today are starting to erode the social fabric of how society works., [stage manager] Aza does welcoming remarks. The Democrat Party is a crime syndicate, not a real political party. [Lynn] Theres no one bad guy. He attends a school run by Ron Wilcox, where he attempts to learn the ropes on how to become one of the industrys most coveted action stars. Hands up! Youre not gonna get paid. Fake news is becoming more advanced and threatening societies around the world. [Tristan] How does this come across on camera if I were to do, like, this move, [Tristan] Exactly. The technology that connects us also controls us. [Tristan] Theres a study, an MIT study, that fake news on Twitter spreads six times faster than true news. The Social Dilemma (2020) Movie Script 1 [eerie instrumental music playing] [interviewer] Why don't you go ahead? Great predictions begin with one imperative: you need a lot of data. Changing what you do, how you think, who you are. They are completely clueless. Uh Now, what are they being paid for? And over time, by running these constant experiments, you you develop the most optimal way to get users to do what you want them to do. [Rene] Most of the countries that are targeted are countries that run democratic elections. And the third rule is work out a time budget with your kid. Absolutely not. [Bailey] I think one of the big failures in technology today is a real failure of leadership, of, like, people coming out and having these open conversations about things that not just what went well, but what isnt perfect so that someone can come in and build something new. The Social Dilemma is a well-constructed and articulately-argued threat. If a title is long, it can be shortened to the first noun phrase in parenthetical citations. Shes worse than I am. Hey, Im connected without a cell phone, okay? Yeah, actually, if you can put that thing away for, like, a whole week I will buy you a new screen. [claps] Lets go. [Tristan] Every time you see it there on the counter, and you just look at it, and you know if you reach over, it just might have something for you, so you play that slot machine to see what you got, right? Take three. [Tristan] They know when people are lonely. [interviewer] Uh, youre making me feel like a lab rat. Based on the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma," the thought-provoking discussion came at a time in which so much of our daily lives has gone virtual due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. [Growth AI] We should suggest Flat Earth Football Club. [interviewer] Think were gonna get there? Views expressed are her own. Were all lab rats. [Cass] Wouldnt exactly call the stuff that youre watching news. [Justin] By having these conversations and and voicing your opinion, in some cases through these very technologies, we can start to change the tide. [Guillaume] People think the algorithm is designed to give them what they really want, only its not. We can do better. [laughs] Like, its the critics that drive improvement. The Girl With The Tree Tattoo. His phone A.I. The film interviews former employees of top technology companies such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Mozilla, gleaning their opinions on how these companies have strong influences in today's . And remember, for every one of these, for every hospital admission, theres a family that is traumatized and horrified. [exhales]. Like, they were the ones who first understood how peoples minds work. My last job there was the senior vice president of engineering. There are only two industries that call their customers users: illegal drugs and software. Edward Tufte. We are more profitable to a corporation if were spending time staring at a screen, staring at an ad, than if were spending that time living our life in a rich way. video games, credit cards, and cell phones. 2020. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic Arthur C. Clarke. 1. Some real big things. Our attention can be mined. [Sandy Parakilas] Theres only a handful of people at these companies, at Facebook and Twitter and other companies Theres only a few people who understand how those systems work, and even they dont necessarily fully understand whats gonna happen with a particular piece of content. These things have become digital Frankensteins that are terraforming the world in their image, whether its the mental health of children or our politics and our political discourse, without taking responsibility for taking over the public square. In simpler words, timestamps are included in the transcriptions to indicate when the adjacent text was spoken in the audio. All right? [Jaron] A lot of people in Silicon Valley subscribe to some kind of theory that were building some global super brain, and all of our users are just interchangeable little neurons, no one of which is important. And it subjugates people into this weird role where youre just, like, this little computing element that were programming through our behavior manipulation for the service of this giant brain, and you dont matter. They just, in real time, are testing lots and lots of stuff on people. This is short-term thinking based on this religion of profit at all costs, as if somehow, magically, each corporation acting in its selfish interest is going to produce the best result. Please welcome author of Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now. All right, were on. Six months. But what are we meant to do about it? Its for the same reason I dont keep cookies in my pocket. Google doesnt have the option of saying, Oh, is this conspiracy? Lets squeeze in a sneaker ad before it starts. The entire tech industry is under a new level of scrutiny. [Tristan] The fabric of a healthy society depends on us getting off this corrosive business model. Netflix. [interviewer] What are you most worried about? And everyone else shes ever met in her entire life. 1. [Tristan] Where youll go. Its up 189 percent for the preteen girls. I was, um, thinking we could use all five senses to enjoy our dinner tonight. The EC is like any political movement in history, when you think about it. This cartoon super villain view of the world strikes me as a kind of mirror image of the right-wing. Recently in India, Internet lynch mobs have killed a dozen people, including these five.