Things that look impossible to us are nothing before Him. According to the Jewish Rabbis, there were seven kinds of people who were excommunicated from God; the list began: "A Jew who has no wife, or a Jew who has a wife and who has no child." Today we will revisit the Israelites at the end of the Red Sea to understand how to be still and set aside our fear when all hope feels lost. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Another example of impossible situations in the Bible is the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Mark 10:27. He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 11) Romans 8:37 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Overcoming obstacles with God God is faithful. He realized that power had gone out from him. Proverbs 13:25 The righteous eat to their hearts' content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry. So for example, in basketball, even though I was one of the best players, I sat on the bench a lot. The text says, "Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth.". For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.' 2. In this story, God commands the Israelites to march around the city of Jericho for seven days and then blow their trumpets. This is not what she wants. And behold, there was a man called Zacchaeus. Sermons about Hopeless Situations - Bible Verses for Facing the Impossible - Guideposts I can and will trust You to keep Your promises in the future. But for you who fear My name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall. And it is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous; so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." The locust and fly invasion could have happened in the real world. Centuries of Big Fish retellings later, instead of his farm flooding, its the whole world, and instead of a raft to save maybe a dozen goats, its every animal in the world. Genesis 18 tells us an unusual story about a time when God appeared personally to Abraham. First things first, read your Bible. Miracles. By Martin Oji on December 17, 2020 Listen to article: Playback speed: .75x1x1.5x Contents Contents It shows the truth about who you are relying on, God, or yourself. 6. 1 Corinthians 11:1-34 ESV / 7 helpful votesNot Helpful. Heres the thing parthenogenesis (the term for virgin birth) in humans is possible. But if this woman had uterine cancer, she would have been in immense pain. When we trust in God we are not afraid. He can turn the chemical compounds into explosives. What Does the Bible Say About Impossible? - IMPOSSIBLE WITH MAN, POSSIBLE WITH GOD. - Bible Study Tools 7 Examples of Hope in the Bible For When Believing Gets Hard How to hope in God and keep believing when we face disappointment, pain, and pressure. Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.". Another example of impossible situations in the Bible is the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Christian teachings on forgiveness - Forgiveness - BBC Bitesize SCRIPTURE REFERENCES ***** Acts 16:25-26. To keep trusting God when things look impossible keep these three things in mind. His word is not 90% true or 95% true or 99% true. I thank you for your time and for allowing us to respectfully voice our views and opinions. Christians usually dont accurately reflect Christianity. Related Topics: Faith, Suffering, Trials, Persecution, Spiritual Formation, Women's Articles, Sandra Glahn, who holds a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) and a PhD in The HumanitiesAesthetic Studies from the University of Texas/Dallas, is an adjunct professor in Media & Worship and Pastoral Ministries DTS. Look at verse thirty-four. Ive seen far to many of these debunking the Bible type blogs in my sixteen years on earth and there are always heated arguments following them. The God of the Impossible - Busy Blessed Women 5 Bible Characters Who Were Successful After Miserable Failure - Beliefnet Strategy #1: Overcome Obstacles by Reading Your Bible. Lots of people through history have asked the same question Valerie asked. Have you seen God work and move in your life? Gabriel says, "I am the mighty one of God (which is what the name "Gabriel" means), and I stand in the presence of the living God." None. Some of God's best gifts come in the form of tiny infant surprises and unexpected arrivals. 24 Tough Bible Passages, and How to Understand and Teach Them In any case, the fruit on this tree somehow has the ability to give people knowledge. A very vague term, if you really think about it. Did you find this mid-series? The one stage is when a man is trying to do his utmost and fails, when a man tries to do still better and fails again, when a man tries still more and always fails. I mean, seriously. And if we do, we will not be so surprised when God does something great in our lives. Not only does he affirm her for her faith, He sends her home healed. This is an impossible situation, as it would have been impossible for such a small force to defeat the Midianites. The people are still outside the temple waiting for him and wondering where the priest could be, wondering if perhaps he profaned the altar of incense. Applying Scripture - The Gospel Coalition While I normally have medium length hair, as a gesture to support for my companys owner who was going through Chemo, a bunch of us guys shaved our heads. But what about the impossible examples of God speaking the universe into existence? 24 Divine Intervention Examples that Shows God's Hand at Work If you believe that He is a gracious God only when He says "yes," you will live a very confused life. There was no way across the Red Sea. 5 Biblical Examples of Answered Prayers | All Round Jesus Isaiah 26:3. I know factually that a hierarchy exists Above Lucifer, and through this abstraction greater wisdom exists across the multiple dimensions, making you wrong about everything in your blog. Still i have trust in God , but i dont know when all things will change around I request you to pray for me.. And make me to beleive that Ill get back my happiness Praise the Lord. Imagine this. please pray with me, that my faith will increase and i will not easily be afraid. The story of Samson is about an insane psychopath who murders the shit out of a ton of people, often in horrific ways. If you ever feel his spirit you would not be able to have the doubt that fills you. And she justified it by saying, "I have brain cancer.". Just like how the caveman sees the volcano as a God because he doesnt understand it. We experience them every day, in the phone call that comes at just the right time or the verse that speaks to exactly what we need. My situation is impossible." "My husband will never change." 10 Examples of Trusting God in Difficult Times to Inspire You Then. To the one who believes Christ can do anything and puts feet on that faitha faith that obeys? The Bible has several great examples of individuals who prove that you can go through difficult times and make it through to the other side with God as your guide. By the way, there is no magic. Nothing is impossible: Sermon: "Nothing Is Impossible" - Blogger Perhaps he had incurred reproof, or even his own death! Can I prove that a deist god with properties unknown doesnt exist? Jesus had the tomb opened and called in for the dude to come out. When Gods actions lead us to need divine intervention, its easy to be angry with God. He, of course, would be Messiah, MAL 4:1-6, "'For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,' says the Lord of hosts, 'so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. After the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, the world started getting increasingly evil. Your email address will not be published. if(!window.jQuery||! return setTimeout(gt_jquery_ready, 20); Doctors throw around the word chronic to cover for the fact that it wont go away. When we throw up our hands and say, "There is no way," God loves to prove Himself God. I mean, by the storys admission, an angel walks through the town and does the deed. (function($) { $('body').click(function() {hideGSatelites($);});$('.gglobe').click(function(e) {e.stopPropagation();renderGSatelites($, e);});})(jQuery); 3. He is learning that when God gives you a promise, you can count on Him keeping that promise. Earlier this year, Brandon Smith and I launched a new podcast called Word Matters. She lived in Jesus' time and she is known as the "woman with the issue of blood." 1 Peter 5:6,7 NIV. So if our beloved David was actually a sinner, why . 1 Corinthians 10:13 Helpful Not Helpful No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. We read in LUK 1:16-17, "'And he will turn back many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God. Like many of us, he was a man who was fixed on the horizontal rather than the vertical. My top five crazy bible quotes: Deut. There are two points that he didnt bring up that I will add. Ive been sick for a while now. Once again, this is an example of how faith in God can help overcome even the most impossible of situations. When Joseph innocently told his brothers his dream, they ripped him apart verbally and sold him as a slave, calling him a "dreamer," in a negative sense. Examples Of Impossible Situations In The Bible Notice the phrase "a certain priest." His name was John the Baptist. Take this life, a living sacrifice, surrendered fully for You to use as You please. (Matt 8:5-13, 12:1-8). God is a sovereign God who has the right to say "no," just as He has the sovereign right to say "yes." You can. This was a seemingly impossible situation, as it would have been humanly impossible for Sarah to have a child. 1. $('.gs' + (i + 1)).delay((i + 1) * 10).fadeIn('fast'); Three examples of how God can take an impossible situation and make it possible. There have been countless impossible situations at this point in life and every single time I can look back and see God had heart issues in mind that were desperately needed! And they were not better than you and me-God used them, and He can use you. var us_flag = true; Psalm 107:9 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. there is no s on the end of it. That is totally insane. Copyright 2023 Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries | Powered by JT Digital Creatives, Click the File Folder to Download Your PDF. Will You Trust That God Is With You When Life Is Hard? God responded to their praise and delivered them.To experience the impossible we must praise God with our whole heart even in impossible situations. Then he would step into the holy presence of God, and he would pour the incense upon the altar, which would explode into a cloud of incense and smoke, an aroma for "the nostrils of God." Next, theres where woman came from. One area was in trusting God to restore my marriage. This is the ultimate example of how faith in God can help overcome even the most impossible of situations. Everest. In Hebrews we read that without faith it is impossible to please God. How To Find Strength In Difficult Times According To The Bible, Bible Stories About Trusting God In Difficult Times, What Does the Bible Say About The Death of a Loved One. Of course he was troubled and fear gripped him; the same would be true of you and me. So don't let your kids date at thirteen. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. var language_codes2 = ["ar","zh-CN","nl","en","fr","de","it","pt","ru","es"]; Because God sees the future and is working things out to pave the way for the abundant life He promised in (John 10:10)! Book of Genesis Listen, I know God can do the impossible because Ive seen Him do it in my life! Jesus Resurrection: The resurrection of Jesus after death is one impossible feat achieved by God and the undefeated miracle still in existence. But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. In conclusion, the Bible is filled with stories of impossible situations that are overcome through faith and obedience. How to Overcome Adversity | Explore God Article Furthermore, mistranslation from the original texts proves to be a problem. But whatever. function hideGSatelites($) { $('.gsatelite').each(function(i) { $(this).delay(($('.gsatelite').length - i - 1) * 10).fadeOut('fast');});} She'd been brutally raped by two men, and left for dead. Gospel of Luke and Matthew In Be Still My Anxious Mind, God Will Fight For You we defined the Hebrew word charash: Be still (dont complain or worry about the real enemy in front of you more than you trust God) because God will fight for you. There on the film she saw a tumor the size of an avocado in the center of her brain. The limitations of space and time do not affect supernatural beings. 10. amzn_assoc_asins = "B082RCQLKQ,0446538582,0736972641,B07Q2MXPH6"; Please pray for my healing in body mind and spirit. Can you relate? Here we're going to consider four things she did that demonstrated the kind of faith that God commends. Its like, here it is, and heres why it matters. -Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Moyers and Company, Your email address will not be published. It's her desirewhether she lives or diesto hear, "Well done good and faithful servant. David saw the good hand of God throughout his own life. That is not possible. In this story, Jesus is crucified and buried in a tomb. The catholic church is to rich. Because God gives us the strength to do so. And that in fact, they can fall out of the sky, right, because thats what happens during the Revelation. There was this great quote by Neil DeGrasse Tyson . Not to mention, it will make them susceptible to death. So while your hear do good by others if christians are wrong its no big deal but if you walk around denying god and he or she just happens to be real then you look like the asshole not them. But we know God is trustworthy and faithful. Is it possible to be still, set aside fear, and be silent in our trust of a God who allows hard things to happen? The Loaves and the LakeSame Lesson Jesus feeding the 5000 is the only miracle recorded in all four gospelsother than the resurrection. Just because the bible isnt 100% fact and in fact is based on other earlier religions and stories doesnt mean there is no magic or god or (gods for that matter,)in the universe i know for a fact that you have a astral body that can seperate from your physical body and in that realm which is just as real as this one you can do things that are impossible in this one.