Embed a Tumblr Post. With Mars in conjunction to the Ascendant, you are an active and energetic person, with plenty of spontaneity and drive to express your individuality. So I schedule my posts and answers. Eg. Your mind is tuned to such a pitch that your intellectual tension is truly as fine as glass wire. Another aspect that gives vital and radiant glow and can create youthfulness around the individual. In practice, Venus / Ascendant conflicts do not seem to be too much of a disadvantage.There is a good chance that their tension will make us more interesting to others.Therefore, even with these aspects, we can expect easy social intercourse and a genuinedesire for a peaceful, harmonious environment. Additionally, if they have cancer venus with Virgo sun, it may tie to how others are attracted and appealed to their energy, virgo + cancer = put together, elegant, magnetic, always looking stylish in a sense. They desire to be close to each other, they want to promote the best for one another and when they are together, passion blinds them both. Emotional people who feel empathic to others, lots of ppl may have a crush on cancer rising cuz their energy is so welcoming/inviting and warm. You really do have very different ideas and ways of expressing them. Lucky with opportunities falling into their lap (money & relationships). The person is nothing if not adventurous and progressive-minded. Because the planets energies aspecting are opposing each other, it creates tension and is the opposite of an easy flow. In some way, your work must be aesthetically pleasing. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. Lady Gaga, David Bowie, Asha Parekh, Audrey Hepburn, Bjrk, Lizzo. You are an excellent and very loving partner who lavishes affection on your companion because he or she is the source of much that is important in your life. If you are tolerant of faults in the short run but demand that they be eventually corrected, you will both benefit in the end. Mercury Trine Ascendant 200 Venus Sextile Mars 323 Venus Sextile Neptune 526 Jupiter Conjunction Neptune 509 Jupiter Sextile Pluto 307 . Astroscope - Venus Opposite Ascendant - ASC You must also learn to appreciate what you bring into any situation as well. He is eccentric, perceptive and extraordinarily experimental. #Venus conjunct ascendant synastry on Tumblr Traveling with them is never dull. As well as having the genius ability you can also suffer from mental overload caused by the higher mind or thought processes running faster than the circuits of the brain can handle. It is desire, it is passion and love. You are well mannered and people generally have a good opinion of you. Your mental energy and output is extremely variableone day you might be capable of enormous effort and interest in a project, and the next day the opposite. He may not take advice from others well. I have a sensitive stomach due to the prominence of my virgo placements (having virgo moon, rising, and venus) and having uranus in 6th also, I sometimes get stomachaches or stomach cramps unexpectedly. Powerful self expression, the individuals can reach a higher plane with how they connect to the world around them through their self expression. It might also make someone not be as clear about what they personally love and value (but other people might be more aware of this). ^ Need to balance the give-and-take aspects of relationships. Venus Opposition Ascendant Meaning, Synastry Chart Aspect, Free Venus conjunct Ascendant in synastry: Love at first sight Restlessness, irritability and a stressful head are all signs of this overload and are the brains way of saying SLOW DOWN. The person is a revolutionary thinker. Venus in 1st house brings magnificent beauty, but the beauty and love is for yourself, not for your partner. May have to work harder to focus on nurturing out the talent and achievements from the aspect. Especially in 7H, may indicate enjoying peaceful/long-lasting relationships & marriage(s). The intense physical attraction is what pulls them towards each other. Meanwhile, the Venus person is attracted to how the Ascendant person carries and presents themselves. This is a union that motivates Eros to express themselves and show their desires. Eg. A good sense of self, and a relatively peaceful inner fortitude. 3, Dividers belong to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more. Eros conjunct the Ascendent manifests Eros the most. Eros/Chiron Eros grows and heals with Chiron and vice versa. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. But the person may be only too aware of the fact. May need to work extra hard to be grounded in reality and understand that not everything revolves around them, i.e. I literally have this aspect with most of my best friends. Audrey Hepburn was a taurus sun but she always maintained a slim figure thru strict diet for her roles and career, but also ate healthily when she allowed herself to. Simply Irresistible: Sexual Magnetism in the Birth Chart You may exude venusian qualities to your style, persona, etc. Does that mean it's a conjunction? Im so grateful and happy To read your replies and responses, all the love and support Ive received in such a short span, Truly blessed Thank you all so very much . Your knowledge is natural when it comes to aesthetics, music, art, beauty, or other types of creativity. Since 6th house is the house ruled by virgo which virgo rules digestive system, uranus can cause unexpected health problems related to ur stomach eg. There is the potential to take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable. Tend to look young/not their age as they grow older - age like fine wine. Eros/Eros* Explosive since there could be a lot in common between the two. Bye. Also shes in multiple fandoms and makes edits of her fav characters etc. These people can have a very bold style and self expression to them, it can also be shocking and/or brand new. They may become friends/lovers with important people just for the sole purpose of fame/money. ^ Naturally charming people, but this may also make them come across as vulnerable to others. Cancer rising people in general are loyal when in love and looking for a partner, desiring a secure life and family - may be great with kids or want to have kids. Answer (1 of 3): It can indicate physical beauty depending on the signs involved. Gemini + 6th house stellium, I see people with 6th house and gemini stellium in their chart like to incorporate tasks or routine into their interests, activities, and daily life. Conjunctions are known to be an aspect that is easily influential, embodying the good and the bad energy of the aspect between the planets. Gif divider credit to: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more, May not resonate to everyone, just take wut resonates and relates. Dividers belong to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more & @kawaiipixelcollection. Does Venus trine ascendant give good looks? - Quora He is highly principled and will never compromise his ideals or buckle under pressure. Eros/Venus Love incarnate here. Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as . See a recent post on Tumblr from @ferie-anon about venus conjunct ascendant. Here we have both parties who hunger for each other and are not afraid to challenge the other person. With her charm and elegance, it is easy for this goddess to prey on mortals and gods alike. Mutable sign energy(sag, virgo, gemini) + mercury energy (gemini, 3rd house, virgo, 6th house) = rambling on and on about a topic or their thoughts. Passionate and trusting, not clouded in dark desire but tends to promote good intentions. The Venus person also appreciates the way the Ascendant behaves and presents themselves. Either grew up being spoiled or had to work extra hard to get them. Eros in Synastry seems appropriate to discuss for this time of year. Venus Trine Ascendant Synastry: The Couple You Will Surely Envy! * Moon and Venus in harmonious aspect to one another in synastry generally indicate compatibility in romantic relationships. Both planets long to touch and feel each other. Read more in Venus Conjunct Ascendant. To put others at ease you play the innocent role and make it clear that you are not a threat them. I have another friend who is a sag moon with mercury in 3rd house and she rambles on but instead messes up the words a lot and when shes texting she has so many typos lol. When venus trines the ascendant, the person may be viewed as attractive in general by the ppl they meet. What are some CRAZY synastry aspects you've had with someone else? Venus-Midheaven Aspects In The Natal Chart - Tea & Rosemary If other aspects between the two people are generally good, then this is typically only a minor inconvenience, but if there are alot of difficult aspects then this will heighten . Your mind is tuned to such a pitch that your intellectual tension is truly as fine as glass wire. It means that second, that arrangement of planets and stars, which, according to astrology, gives rise to a person's life. They are entertaining, and are good mimics. Traditional astrological texts report that the person has a keen memory, but should be careful in signing documents. The confusion and misunderstanding seems to be more common in the square than the opposition. I asked about what does it mean to have an aspect at 0 orb. However, we all know that Mars has a tendency to act impulsive and combative- so . You should not do that however, because if you drop an unsatisfactory affair, your natural inclination toward partnership will draw perhaps a better partner to you quite quickly. Having an aspect at 0 degree orb means that the planet aspecting the other is conjunct. Venus square ascendant makes you oblivious to your beauty It is desire, it is passion and love. Cancer rising people tend to be nurturing and shy/quiet. May like to keep up with the fashion trends if not even make some of their own. Venus Trine Ascendant They may look younger than they are physically. Developing relationships from a purely honest perspective is quite possible for you since you do appreciate what others have to offer. Ascendant is the most individual part of a person's horoscope. I have a friend who is a gemini sun and virgo moon, he rambles on to try to get the words/phrase right or his thoughts out, and he just keeps chatting on while youre clearly concerned if he should take a breath and pause. Sag + gemini energy in the chart makes them chaotically energetic when theyre passionate about a topic when with friends. Ohh you meant the degree of the placement. If he does not learn responsibility, discipline, maturity, and order, his talents and liberating concepts go entirely wasted and unused. He loves to change the status quo. What completes one on a soul type level. Particularly in the case of the conjunction, trine, and sextile, the Ascendant person is seen as the Venus person's muse. Your energy and vitality radiate an inner beauty which has a direct effect upon the way others see you, and you . He is temperamental and stubborn-minded. With Venus in opposition to your Ascendant, you may be blessed with many social graces. The seventh house and descendant describe what are you looking for in a committed relationship. May need to learn how to balance between self-sacrifice and expecting others to sacrifice themselves in a relationship (friendships, business, romantic). Others may try to use these qualities against you, so it would be best to remember that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. Be selective in your generosity, and your love affairs will blossom fully and last longer. Your determination to gain acceptance and to improve your status in life is strong, and you may use your social contacts to . Angeline Jolie, Adore Delano, Frank Ocean, Zayn Malik, Beyonce, Rihanna. You know instinctively how to nurture and encourage self-empowerment and the ownership of deep transformative urges. Eros/Neptune With this bond, Eros feels at peace when in Neptunes presence. They also feel really comfortable and really familiar with each other. You really do have very different ideas and ways of expressing them. The person is a revolutionary thinker. , #I wanted to include some k idols but literally forgot and only remembered after finishing the post NAGSJSN. Although, in principle, these aspects can encourage laziness, not to mention self-indulgence and luxury, their tension guarantees a fairly energetic approach. May attract a lot of envious/jealous people. Extremely charismatic, sometimes doesnt even realise the impact they have on others. Also, I just hit 600+ Followers . This can manifest on more of a surface-level, initial attraction because the Ascendant is how we present to others and the mask we wear in public. Venus square or opposition Ascendant - ASC, Mercury square or opposition Uranus - . Browse famous people and celebrities by the astrological aspects that appear in their birth chart. There is a part of you that loves to shock, challenge, and instigate with the things you say; however, this may not be a conscious process. Even commuting turns into a small adventure with them. Within relationships, you may feel like planning a romantic evening for your partner or going out with friends to an artistic or musical performance. Leo risings are amiable people, warmhearted and emit a friendly and eyecatching aura. What synastry aspects make someone fall in love Struggle to express the affection and love they feel, May have fleeting relationships or situationships. Billie Eilish, Brigitte Bardot, Aretha Franklin, Jessica Lange, Odetta, Kim Kardashian. They may not intentionally be in your face, but are loud and cheerful with friends, often may be eyecatching with big gestures/mannerisms. With an Opposition between Venus and your Ascendant, you will seek to make a good impression on everyone you meet and, in interaction with them, to focus on their positive qualities. You're popular and attract happiness since you're diplomatic, tactful and take others' happiness into consideration. (Especially if Venus in 7H). Here, self expression is done with purpose and strategy, there can be a story in the way these people choose to express themselves visually. Venus in the 12th house conjunct the Ascendant usually makes the the person more attractive to other people than they realize. At times you can be very dogmatic. Juno - Venus: Relationship between people with this aspect is based on a strong romantic level. Conjunction is when planets aspect each other at 0 degrees. Friedrich Nietzsche had the Mercury opposite Uranus aspect within one degree. Along these filaments travel all kinds of illuminated thoughts, some of them so strikingly original as to verge on what lesser mortals call genius. Together, they two are able to dream, indulge and get completely lost in a world of their own making. You work hard, although subtly, to make sure that people are warmly disposed toward you, and you try to emphasize your better qualities to prove you are worthy of their friendship. ^ Must learn how to say NO and stand up for themselves. The Moon is the ruler of the 4th house and the zodiac sign Cancer. As the Ascnedant and Venus find much common ground and find it easier to agree with the other, the individual might easily finds out what they are and arent, what suits them and what doesnt align with their self expression. tendency to become selfish. The person identifies with his mind, and lives an essentially mental life. Venus square ascendant people, come on in. The wonderful thing about this aspect, especially with the conjunction is that love is brought into the lives of both, even if it feels exhausting and draining, eventually both feel fulfilled and transformed. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. There is no deception in your claim that you are happy to meet people, because you truly enjoy their company and conversation. May grow out facial hair, eg. 2.Lilith conjunct the ASC or MC. What happens when we see Jupiter conjunct the ascendant of a partner. Venus square asc in synastry? - Lindaland Tumblr They acquire information, and enjoy passing it on. The Moon represents the mother & Venus is the daughter. My gemini friend has a gemini stellium and 6th house stellium and gurl literally sets multiple playlists of different moods, one for her relaxing and falling to sleep, one for walking to school like badass music, one for when shes sad and listening to sad music. May need to learn how important being genuine really is, and not tend to wear a mask or worry about what others may think of them too much. Ms.cleo; Jun 7, 2019; 9 Replies; 5K Views; Nov 30, 2020. Friedrich Nietzsche had the Mercury opposite Uranus aspect within one degree. Adonis on Tumblr - #Venus opposite ascendant Albeit, you are more likely than most to have a solid loving partnership which will be one of your major rewards. Trust grows with time and acceptance as well. The . If you have venus trine ascendant at 0 degrees, then venus trine to your ascendant would be more influential in your appearance/impression. Over-indulgence of money/food/leisure may cause all kinds of health and financial problems. You're quite comfortable around other people, and may enjoy time spent with companions. Artistic andother aesthetic forms of expression are therefore more likely to find an outlet.Sometimes, however, the outlet is simply a matter of trying to impose ones own tastes. You may possess the ability to intuitively know or understand peoples thoughts, feelings or motivations. Not that we always succeed in obtainingthe latter - we tend to overdo things, and may fail to read some situations properly.Certainly we need to learn how to direct our energies. Usually considered as the epitome of a beautiful/handsome figure/face. In practice, Venus / Ascendant conflicts do not seem to be too much of a disadvantage.There is a good chance that their tension will make us more interesting to others.Therefore, even with these aspects, we can expect easy social intercourse and a genuinedesire for a peaceful, harmonious environment. Lessons here will be learned and carried on by both parties. I have venus trine ascendant at 0 orb. The residue follows them even after it all ends. Above all, he must take responsibility for his independent nature and stop defending himselfa tendency he may have developed during rebellious childhood years. This makes their likable traits/nature more known/popular among those they interact with or meet. You may have an explosive temper and be subject to accidents, especially burns or cuts to the face. People see you as magnetic, very forceful and perhaps, at times, just plain downright threatening. You have such an outpouring of insights that having a conversation with you can be a real experience. We were made to be erotic creatures.