View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). One of the failings of ToA is that there's insufficient foreshadowing of the Tomb, the traps within, its magical conditions, its creator, the atropal, and Acererak. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. The group just entered the tomb last session, so this could come up as soon as next week. Don the mask or be seen. Noticing that the area of the mouth is obscured by magical darkness, the adventurers dispel it, releasing a shadow demon. Each one appears to stand opposite its enemy. Chidi volunteered to climb around (fell once, great save by Andor) to reach the chest, but the second he touched it, it sprang to life! After some deliberation, the characters decide that they must place the puzzle cubes they collected from the city in each of the niches, leaving Unkh out. Chidi went on point and successfully navigated through he next area, only getting a couple of darts stuck in them. Freelance Writer Whats happening indeed well find out next time! A skeleton with a square-shaped skull wandered around in that next room. I would even add that youve informed the trans player beforehand, just to make sure the right expectations are set. Starfinder Battles Galactic Heroes Galactic Villains . George, was curious. I was thinking of replacing it with changing the PC's race and having a secondary table to roll on to determine a random race. The first drink of the fountain was our parties Gnoll Bloodhunter, who rolled a 3 and became a woman. Thus, it's up to the DM to (1st) understand the Tomb and how the traps work, then (2nd) find opportunities to foreshadow that information for the players. Inside the sarcophagus was a mummy clutching a evil looking mace. $20.00 + $14.05 shipping. 1{NK5m&Tdav p0XRpn ^ A@j5\83&W%G*,:0>z1xb;aVz{z\6( ,-}h 4>#?1 0 q{. Everyone decided to give the statue a wide berth. I go with the book. The record I found ended with, 'And so the two remaining companions of Falon returned with him to Beregost, the town of Falon's birth. A large fountain dominated the center of the room, with three marble maidens holding pitchers out of which the water flowed. For Dungeon Masters, build and manage your campaigns with DM tools. Yuan-ti Broodguard. HWNH}W[NwvK$d5a#B [U@Bmw]N0_Vpx8>|AYjj|7L8(\as*XyG9h^a}trIgy} I8y\$UpK:O_tR]\~B$uUh@J$eYq,K After some initial confusion, everyone opted to stay inside and ended up dealing with the poisonous gas. When they finally succumb, they cant be raisedand neither can anyone else, regardless of whether theyve ever received that miracle in the past. Create your D&D Beyond account today, and start using the guided character builder. While this was happening, Billie noticed that the pendant he found in the eastern tunnel seemed to be pulling him towards a previously unseen western tunnel. Therin, level 9 Hill Dwarf Druid of the Moon. Release Date: We also use optional cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social medial features and analyze web traffic. Discovering a pair of secret doors to the north and south, the characters decide to explore the passage to the north. Communities, Guides, and Extra Content for the. Ohgram found a secret door in this room that led north to the underground stream again. And then the dungeon turned into a window shopping adventure, where the heroes just looked around at a bunch of rooms but never went in any of them. A second, smaller tunnel burrows into the base of the cliff to the east. 2023 Wizards. 0000049357 00000 n This made the party amused, thinking this was a fun little fountain of good times. Buy the book from Game Kastle to support the D&D Compendium! $3.99 delivery Jan 20 - 24. A large green devil face dominated the end of the T-intersection hallway leading deeper into the first level of the tomb. By clicking OK, I agree, you consent to optional cookies. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. In short order, the adventurers dispatch the creature back to the Abyss. Maybe it's just me absolutely loving death trap dungeons, but the puzzles and Traps are incredibly fun to run/watch my players try to figure out. Gresh noticed writing on one of the stones. They would be hit with a effects of the trap inside it, but once each of the three chests was done, the sarcophagus would turn transparent. Ultimately they decided to back away and leave them alone, for now. Magic The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers Board Game Complete. Immediately, all of the eyes on the bronze disk turn to them and the corpses on the thrones begin to rise. And he made it through as well! 0000003695 00000 n Casting detect magic, the adventurers discover that the water radiates transmutation magic. Koopa realized the voice was coming from the skull. 40). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Dak, Finn, Koopa, Gresh, and Nori brought the name "Falon" to Candlekeep, where Gresh's wife, Alyssa, told them what she knew of him: "Twenty years ago the famous explorer Falon T'selvin contracted his adventuring band to a mysterious mage perhaps this was Desatysso? Dak and Koopa gave chase, cornering it in the room north of the knight statue room. %PDF-1.4 % Koopa, inside the first chest, suffered an immense blast of force damage; Grunther had all of his non-magical metal items decay into dust; and Gresh endured a burst of cold damage, which he was fine with, being a silver dragonborn as he was. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Koopa quickly turned the skeletal hand back around, which opened a pit trap beneath him. Finn raised his holy symbol and turned all the spiders to dust; the floating skull retreated to the back of the room where she was quickly dispatched by Dak and Nori. I have sugested such things as growing hair everyewhere, and if drunk again losing all your hair. Coughing from the noxious gas, the adventurers cover their mouths and wait for the gas to clear. Peering into the darkness, the adventurers spy a hunched figure who glares up at them from the balcony below. A rusted iron grate was set in the middle of the floor halfway down the hall. My players are scared, they are debating trying to teleport out to regroup. D&D Compendium - Tomb of Annihilation Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News, Tomb of Annihilation NPC name source/generator, Too Many NPCs! Adventure for Levels 1-11. Since Grunther couldn't remember much more, and the details he did remember were quite vague, he offered to bring the companions with him to meet Sather, the "nice lady" who had also accompanied them into the tomb. Only 8 left in stock - order soon. Finn ran up to the skeleton, punched it three times, destroying it, and retrieved its square-shaped skull. Andor first and then Billie crawled through the skulls mouth, and wisely Chidi stayed back as he saw both lights from the eyes of the skull go out. Find out what you can do. During that time for rituals are time consuming a flesh golem came into the chamber and hurled itself into the pit with Dak and Nori! the fountain. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Tomb of Annihilation Board Game - Standard AS-IS at the best online prices at eBay! Each time they would die, and each time someone would heal or stabilize them, all while the others frantically rearranged the cubes, trying in vain to solve the puzzle, when waiting it out was the only option. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). After encountering Mr. Withers, aka the Dungeon Concierge, the party explores most of the first level of the Tomb of the Nine Gods (the Rotten Halls), performing admirably except for one magical fountain they just couldnt resist. I need a little help/group brainstorming to assist me with altering one of the effects of the magic fountain found in room 9 of the tomb's Rotten Halls. In a grand staircase that descended into darkness, the heroes stayed on this level and traveled to the opposite side. A second later, swarms of undead spiders poured out from the walls! The heroes learned that the paper-mache masks, when worn, would allow one to enter this room without alerting the eyes, which would then in turn alert the wights. Behind the sarcophagus, resting atop a marble pedestal, is an ornate crystal box with a small humanoid skull floating inside it. Ill follow the enlarge/reduce mechanics. Pulling aside the heavy undergrowth, they see a similar entrance to the one they just found with old bones littering its threshold. Three marble maidens stand in the fountain holding pitchers out of which water flows. The girl shrieked in horror, shattering the crystal box. Grunther, though none too bright, was able to explain what he remembered of the tomb. Mannix whipped out a hammer and pitons to nail into the side of the wall to help, though near the end the magnet-statue pulled the hammer out of his hand, nearly striking Gillian and Khaless, and disintegrating when it hit the statue. PDF Errata Tomb of Annihilation - Wizards of the Coast In this door, though, there are nine cavities. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. It briefly grabbed Chidi but the heroes were able to slay the creature. This would have a similar effect as originally intended, having it be a possibly funny moment when a massive firbolg suddenly becomes a tiny gnome or a proud dwarf become an elf. The spirit of Wongo encouraged Andor to drink from the fountain, which he did, and he doubled over in pain as he suffered from necrotic damage. Something innocuous that will pique their curiosity enough to drink again, and maybe encourage multiple players to drink at once. He recalled that his company traveled far away, to "the place of smelly mud," until they finally entered a place "under the ground, a bad place," and it was here that a "black mouth" ate his left hand. With a shattering crash, the skull rises from the box, exploding in flame, attacking the adventurers. I am going to keep it on hand when my party hits the tomb (they have just arrived at Omu and collected one puzzle cube). It will be tempting to drink again to get back to peak performance, but not mandatory. Inside the room, George could see a network of tiny tunnels all along the walls, with hundreds of spiders crawling within. Adventurers are sought out and sent to the jungle peninsula of Chult, where they must face . After a minute, the stone barrier rose and the puzzle cubes still in the wall were ejected. An ominous iron maiden lie in the northern end with tubes and vials of bubbling blood. A bas-relief carving of a green devil's face adorned the wall at the T-shaped intersection; the devil's open mouth was a well of darkness. They saw the Grand Staircase to the east, but opted to go west toward the Crystal Window. "Can I cast Tashas Laughter on myself to cheer myself up?". 0000071139 00000 n It did so, and the other fiery eye disappeared. Without waiting for the others, the tortle proceeded inside. Gillian, level 9 Triton Bard of Whispers 0000025709 00000 n DnD Tomb of Annihilation - Fountain of Healing? - YouTube I promise to be good.. The middle of the room held a sarcophagus with a serpent on the lid, but his eyes were drawn to a glass box containing a floating, flaming skull. I think it was the spirit of Moa. Uncertain what to make of the chests, the adventurers descend into the pit, recover the skull cap of the skeleton and move on. It should be something similar, meaning that it should provide a "permanent" change to the player without actually harming them. Something does not work as expected? A moss-covered corridor extends beyond the second door. APEuAAAAX n>WL,VePaCp @7/bXqWf$lf-`O`+aTm3u^ Wellmost of him. Emboldened by the result, Gillian lapped up some water while Mannix tried to investigate the effects on Orvex. Tomb of Annihilation - Gatherer - Magic: The Gathering Another five days of travel saw the companions at the edge of the Snakewood. On the wall behind the sarcophagus, two George impressively rolled a 20 when searching the room, finding another secret door opposite their own, leading to a northern hallway. $24.99 Add to Cart With a Master Tier subscription, save your party some gold when you share this book/content with other players in your D&D Beyond campaign! Andor smashed through the sarcophagus and the mummy was quickly put down, but not before it hit Andor with a Rotting Fist attack. The party correctly surmised this was the In Darkness, It Hides, clue, and left it alone. Tomb of Annihilation # Mini Rarity Size; Acererak (No Rarity) Medium : Acererak (Invisible) Very Rare : Medium : Acererak (Demilich) Skull . Success! A groundskeeper directed them to Falon's grave. 0000001276 00000 n Tomb of Annihilation - Icons of the Realms - Tomb of Annihilation - Wikiwand They then headed north through the other hidden door, easily passed the magnet puzzle with a dispel magic, and found the fountain. After going through the half-orcs pockets and saying a prayer, the heroes went through the magnetic room (taking all metal items off) and from there headed north to the Magic Fountain. Oh god, what do I do. After the last one was vanquished, they investigated the disk of eyes first. There they met a single mourner, Grunther, who was one of the few survivors of Falon's final adventure. Append content without editing the whole page source. Mannix called out another of the clues from the obelisk, Don the Mask or Be Seen! Therin swiped the mask from the corpse in front of him before stepping into the room. Why cant I see?, Realizing the voice is coming from the skull, the adventurers try to calm it. Investigating further, the adventurers discover a statue of Unkh behind a secret door. Tomb of Annihilation - MTG (Magic: the Gathering) Chidi mapped out in his mind, what should go where considering each of the rivals for the cubes. 0000050149 00000 n Most of them needed the Advantage just to make a DC 10 Athletics check to cross the room, avoiding the pull of the magnet, and reaching a circular room with a fountain in the middle. They easily destroyed the skeleton. All she could offer to aid the adventurers was a map that showed the location of the tomb in the Snakewood, about a week's travel east of here. Therin turned a corner and went deeper down the southern end of the water tunnel to find a large chest suspended above a pool of water via chains embedded in the ceiling. Knowing my group, I am considering just telling them where the 'danger zone' is: * Although I normally roll behind the screen or take the average, I think in these cases i will amp up the drama by doing the insta-kill damage rolls out in front of everyone. Tomb of Annihilation - Tomb of Annihilation - Sources - D&D Beyond Trying to open it, Yareck sticks his finger in the keyhole. When they did, they looked back and on the lower level they spotted a Tomb Dwarf wearing a mask similar to the devil face at the tomb entrance. Each corpse wears a black mask made of papier-mache and feathers. * I'll instead have it reduce a character to dying with one auto failed death saving throw. 0000009589 00000 n You don't actually have to make changing race also change stats. The cause is a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger, which is located somewhere in Chult, a mysterious peninsula far to the south, ringed with mountains and choked with rainforests. D&D Miniatures: Tomb of Annihilation - Tombs & Traps | Collectible Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Tomb of the Nine Gods (Part 1) | Tomb of Annihilation | Obsidian Portal (. 0000029231 00000 n You can help our automatic cover photo selection by reporting an unsuitable photo. Other cards in this SET. Once again, if the player disagrees, offer the more neutral alternative. The heroes went downstream, found the Tringle-headed skeleton again, who immediately ran away from them. Then they explored this room more closely. Next they focused their attention on the sarcophagus, which they correctly assumed was the zorbo Obolaka. Spying a chest on cliff ledge above a large chasm, the adventurers create a magical stone walkway to reach it, only to discover that the chest is, in fact, a mimic. Everyone was eager to continue on, but Finn warned about the possibility of further traps. I promise to be good!, I believe so, says Yareck. Koopa shoved one of the huge black stones aside, revealing a dusty passageway beyond. Don't play it. Once that was opened, Billie found and grabbed a gold pendant shaped like an eye. Where to Buy Available to buy now at your local game store, bookstores, or online retailers. Hover to zoom. Having said that, I have no idea what that might be other than gender. The cover is visually disturbing . Rolled damage. Support my channel via Patreon! Here Billie poked his head into the jaws of a giant stone skull at the end of the hallway to look into the next room, where he saw a stone sarcophagus, with a crystal box and humanoid skull inside of it. Mannixs Detect Magic revealed Transmutation Magic around the fountain, but the party was desperately curious. The group just entered the tomb last session, so this could come up as soon as next week. Koopa leaned the grate against the green devil face. Also to help players remember Inspiration, I'll award it every short or long rest. This means if they die inside the tomb, they can never leave. This is the first official adventure I ran (thus the insane amount of resources on this page). Yellow Musk Creeper. Is he looking for me?. Mannix re-cast Detect Magic, and the party went around the corner to enter the Grand Staircase they had seen from the beginning of the session. After a minute or so, the gas valves close, the stone block trapping them rises back into the ceiling, and the puzzle cubes are pushed out from their cavities in the door. 52 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000062635 00000 n [SBLOCK=Save or Die List]LEVEL ONE 9. The halfling found three pressure plates on the floor in the next hallway. Exploring further, the adventurers discover a secret passage leading down to the stream they saw through the grate. As he does so, green smoke billows from the staff, coiling around him like a serpent. hb``e``e```[ Are you friends of my father? The heroes quickly exited and took an short rest. A Death-Defying Adventure for Levels 1-11 52 49 View all posts by roguewatson, Your email address will not be published. A stone sarcophagus stands at the center of the chamber, its lid adorned with a coiled serpent carved in relief. Xandala. Hundreds of skulls crusted with dried mud glowered from niches cut into the walls of the next room. If the effect occurs, Id talk to the player in question separately, explain their current situation, and ask them if they are ok with it. He ran into the next room to find a sarcophagus sitting in the middle; on the far wall stood two bear statues holding a large golden disk between them. Meanwhile, the sarcophagus magically turned crystaline, revealing a skull lord resting within. Got a 4 on the next roll, got the temporary hit poijts which set him at a pretty 41 combined with his normal HP. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Since that has no bearing on health, stats, or really anything other than RP, it really just seems to be in there as a gag (I'm aware that a similar feature exists in one of the portals in the Tomb of Horrors). Breaking throught he window, the adventurers step into the room. Travel, Traps, Death, & Dinosaurs: Tomb of Annihilation 0000062902 00000 n Yareck lifts the staff out of the tomb.