My refuge angels will place a shield over My refuges, and My faithful will be protected from My destruction. These shots should be optional and not forced on people to threaten their jobs. My faithful will have a chance during the six weeks of conversion to try and convert these souls when there will be no influence of the devil. You could use your time a little better by coming to Adoration of Me instead of your football distraction. When your country goes into default on its debts, your money will no longer be a reserve currency of the world. Most of these divisions center around the means of the death culture that has little regard for life. Once you die, you will be as a saint, and you will be brought into heaven. I love all of you so much, and when you spend time with Me in Adoration, you are showing Me how much you love Me as well., Sunday, November 28, 2021: (First Sunday of Advent) When are your people going to rise up in a major protest, or strike against your employers? You have a chance to meet some new people who have not heard your talk. John You used these fuels with a kerosene burner and a wood insert fireplace so you kept your home warm for 24 hours without using your natural gas heater. I asked you to spread My messages about preparing the people for the coming tribulation. With the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or coming to My refuges, this would be a chance for the vaccinated people to be healed, but they must believe I can heal them in order to be healed. After the Warning, you need to work hard to convert your family members to a true belief in Me, so they can receive the cross on their foreheads. So it is better for America to resist these mandates now, or you will lose all of your freedoms. Pray for the conversion of souls and reach out to give them My Blessed Mothers brown scapular, so she can keep them from suffering the flames of hell when they wear and believe in the brown scapulars promises., Jesus said: My son, every time you give a teaching or share My messages in a setting for trying to save souls, you need to prepare yourself for spiritual warfare. With your overspending your dollar is being inflated and you could see a crash of your dollar. You may seem at a loss when your electricity is not working, but fear not because I will provide for your needs. All of the believers in God will have their reward in heaven., Monday, May 31, 2021: (Visitation of Blessed Mother, Memorial Day) Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from any wars, cyber attacks, or any aggressors., Jesus said: My people, ransomware is a vicious hacking because computer systems can be paralyzed and money has to be paid to restore any hacked software damage. If you love Me and repent of your sins, you will be on the narrow road to heaven. If you start with a weak faith, they will soon fall away from Me. When difficulties come in your health or your things, call on Me to help you, and do not be downcast or depressed. I am the instrument to bring Jesus into this world, and because of my place as the Mother of God, the Lord has called me blessed. I showed you before when you rewrote one of My messages that you had lost, that it was word for word on the message you found later. In the reading I told the people that those people, who hear My words and act on them, will be like the man who built his house on rock. My angels will protect them from the demons. The caucus (64 Labour MPs) votes via exhaustive ballot, and a candidate would require the support of two-thirds of the party caucus (i.e., 48 MPs) to be elected. My believers will need to be patient because it will take time to organize your jobs. Michel also does not advocate for survivalism (he has only Keep praying for Ron and his family., Saturday, May 29, 2021: This war could easily spread to other nations as many people could be killed. Matt Hancock said 'get heavy with police' to enforce lockdown Mary said: My dear children, when St. Gabriel came to me, I gave my fiat yes to being the Mother of my Son, Jesus. If your money becomes worthless with a new currency, you could not be able to buy any food, and you would rely on what you have in your pantry. It is appropriate to have gifts to celebrate My birth, but there is too much emphasis on the material things, instead of on the spiritual gifts of coming to Mass. Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST You are seeing a Satanic This was a beautiful prayer, and it showed their faith in My protection. I sent the Archangel, St. Raphael, to help both of them to answer their prayer requests. Jesus said: My son, every time you travel to give a talk about My messages, I send a legion of angels to protect you. So do not believe the lies of the evil ones, but only follow My directions to avoid taking the Covid vaccine and avoid taking the flu shots., Thursday, June 3, 2021: (St. Charles Lwanga) To provide for larger numbers, My angels and St. Joseph will take care of any needed accommodations. At the Church of the Visitation you have my Magnificat in many different languages. Now the time to bring people to Me is growing short before the coming Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. Pray that such a war could be stopped before many people could die., Wednesday, December 1, 2021: Every soul is lovable, even the worst sinner, because they are made in My image. Sunday, February 26, 2023: (First Sunday of Lent) Jesus said: My people, I want you to see the comparison of the temptation of the first Adam with the new Adam in Me. Fear not because you will have powerful angels side by side all around the perimeter of your refuge to protect you. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit to give you the words to speak to the people. Even as you, My son, are growing some grass, you see how much water is needed to germinate the seeds and keep the grass from drying out in the summer. Jesus said: My people, America has been blessed with many gifts because of your faith in Me, and your willingness to help other nations. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading from Tobit, you see both Tobit and Sarah praying to Me for help with their problems. Be ready for these shortages as I asked you to have three months of food stored for such times., Jesus said: My people, you will be fortunate at My refuges to have daily Holy Communion from either a priest at Mass, or My angels will distribute the consecrated Hosts. In the second reading you read how you cannot have faith without works. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful., Sunday, June 27, 2021: Trust in Me, and do not doubt about how I will care for you. If NATO and America do not come to the aid of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine, then Russia will continue to keep invading countries that used to be part of the old Soviet Union. New Prophetic Messages From John Leary Through September 7, This is another lie from the evil ones who say it does not change your DNA. All of My believers will have a cross on their forehead by My angels. If you love Me, you will show your love in your daily prayers and possibly your daily Mass. Your mission has been to help save as many souls as you can, and the time to save people from hell is running out. You are seeing in the vision how some souls of your classmates are in purgatory, and they are grateful for the graces that they received from this Mass intention. I am repeating a previous message that you will live to see this time, just as I allowed Simeon to see Me at the Temple before he died. The lesson is that when you pray to Me and believe that I can heal you, you will see your prayers answered in My way. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Stepfather 2 [DVD], Good, John O'Leary, Renata Scott, Leon Martell, Miriam B at the best online prices at eBay! The unvaccinated people will be further harassed by Biden in his evil effort to get everyone vaccinated with the poisonous Covid shots. So when a new virus comes, their immune systems will fail and many will die. He decided to reinvent himself as a wannabe porn star as he claimed he was quitting showbiz in April 2021. You are also seeing more fires out West taking their toll on your homes. There is no marriage in heaven because the souls are like angels who constantly adore Me. Friday, September 10, 2021:(Eastridge Class 61 deceased intention) Jesus said: My people of the Eastridge Class of 61, I am happy you are all here to see each other again. There are a good number of red states that are defying Bidens mandatory Covid shots for all workers and even the children. I reach out to save souls, and I pray people are listening to My words. Saturday, November 27, 2021: Jesus said: My people, today is the last day of the Church Year before you start Advent tomorrow. Those faithful people will be protected by My angels from any destruction of the Comet. Search icon - Just as I read some words of remembrance for Camille, now he was giving words about me. You will be told in your Warning that vaccinated people will need this blessing, or they will die. Give up your agenda and follow Me, and you will be saved. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges of protection with My angels. I will warn My believers with a cross on their forehead, that they will need to come to My refuges so they are protected by My angels from the Antichrist and the demons during the tribulation. Norman Leach As one of the more common approaches for measuring emotion in text, sentiment analyses measure text on a scale of emotion as either positive or negative and is expressed with measures of associated sentiment scores. There are not many places where people can adore Me in chapels in perpetual Adoration. Jesus said: My people, this Scripture about My displeasure over the fig tree without any fruit, is a sign to My faithful that I expect you to bear spiritual fruit in your actions. On the call this morning, Fran Soistman, eHealth's Chief Executive Officer and John Stelben, Chief Take some zinc as well as your Hawthorn pills. It is good to get My message out to the people who may be influenced to be converted. Pray that your people will come to their senses and stop this push for a communist America., Friday, June 4, 2021: No, John Leary, who claims to be receiving messages from Jesus, Mary and the saints, does not have Church approval. When you hear about blindness, there are also spiritually blind people as well. There are many people who have been vaccinated without knowing how deadly these vaccines are. Tuesday, September 7, 2021: Jesus said: My son, you have been out evangelizing people so they could be converted for over 25 years. Trust in Me to bring My Warning before vaccinated people will die from the next deadly virus. Keep praying for him and have Masses said for him., Jesus said: My people, there are some increasing Covid cases and flu cases, but there is a lot of fear being spread that is overdone. Officials in No 10 struggled to explain how lockdown gatherings in Downing Street complied with the Covid You all are appointed to die. The progressive curriculums are bringing down the learning of the children, and they are forcing them to be taught only Godless communism with no word about Me. New Messages on After The Warning Website. You will even have a time in your place of judgment. He is a Son of King David through my ancestry. You all have free will to choose to believe in Me or not. Fr. Jesus said: My son, you just went on your fifth trip and the tenth exorcism session by a priest over a young man at Buffalo, N.Y. You heard some loud sounds from the demon at this exorcism. This will be followed by a persecution of those people who refuse to take the mark of the beast, meaning they will try to kill resisters in the detention death camps.