My team, me and happy-trigger-fingered Kay-Kay, were to position north of the ambush site, report the approach of the Generals car, then pull our car out onto the highway to block traffic for the hot minute it took the assault force to stop Klandanjs car and scoop him up. Highly detailed knowledge of an infiltration location is also key. This time, the manhunt for Escobar was being led by Col. Hugo Martinez, who did not intend to let Escobar get away, and who operated with ruthless efficiency, aided by Centra Spike's intelligence. Army did likewise through DAMO-ODSO. It built a reputation for daring, flexibility and a degree of lawlessness. It is common for the appearance and demeanour of an agent to be the key to their success as an infiltrator. In short order, Langley provided people, training, and a conduit to its various intelligence and planning aspects. Escobar was shot as he was trying to escape from the roof of his house. The monitoring of guerilla factions allowed the Salvadoran Army to successfully defend against their attacks. The support provided can come in a range of different forms. Access to that road saved a considerable amount of travel time for support for an ongoing mission. "These commands and white Special Forces like the Green Berets, as well as Air Force combat controllers and commandos of eight different nations report to a mind-boggling array of new command cells and coordination units set up after Sept. The ISA comprises 5 primary elements: administration, training, SIGINT, HUMINT and direct action. In all cases, the Congressional members voiced support. The Cantor sent me out as usual to throw the lock, wait for our operational vehicle to pass, then shut it again. (, " Veritas Omnia Vincula Vincit Barrett is the world leader in long-range, large-caliber, precision rifle design and manufacturing. The whole force drove north as planned, putting Kay and me upfront to clear ahead and report back to the assault force. A key driver for the meeting was the recognition that quality operational intelligence was virtually non-existent. Given the nature of their operations and the close work and training they receive alongside other US special operations forces, much of their equipment is likely to mimic that of the special mission units they support and work alongside. The second rescue force was not going to be affected by the same problem, and the FOG was established in July of 1980, under the control of Colonel Jerry King. Parsing one from the other can be quite difficult and largely determined by the location and nature of the target. Every modern military relies on intelligence, and the US military is a voracious consumer of intelligence, from both an analytical and functional standpoint. The next morning arrived, but the moping mandarins came empty-handed: Ok, give me a rundown on the entire operation starting from when you arrived at the install site.. The eventual shootout that ended Pablos life may not have directly involved the ISA, however, its efforts certainly aided in the eventual locating and killing of the cartel boss. An operation was planned for their rescue, with Seaspray, Delta Force and the ISA all playing a role. ISA operatives are masters of tradecraft. When conducting more integrated operations with other parts of the military, the skill of intelligence support comes into play. Centra Spike agents operated all around Colombia, as well as neighbouring countries where the cartels influence extended. Political bickering stalled the deployment of the agents, and finally, the operation was approved. Join SOFREP for insider access and analysis. There was a chain barricade that the Serbian police (MUPs) used to block access to a side road that junctioned with highway M4. Intelligence Support Activity - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core US News & World Report describes Torn Victor as 'trained as high-risk intelligence gatherers,' a title fitting the ISA. The exact breakdown of this squadron isnt known, however it is a reasonable assumption that its divided into troops based on the specific mission, such as airborne SIGINT or ground SIGINT. Check, chief! and she yanked the gat our of my hand. This has been more visible in their operations in Afghanistan, Operation Winter Harvest and Operation Queens Hunter. Bickering between the CIA and JSOC further complicated matters. A top-secret 'Army electronic surveillance team', was sent to aid the Colombians in August of 1989, as a part of Operation Heavy Shadow. When operatives are in less restrictive environments they can often be seen carrying weapons used by locals, most often in the form of AKs. Developed hunt methodology for Albuquerque-based Counter Human Traffic organization DeliverFund llc as an Intelligence Analyst and Network Disruption Team Leader in the Get The Daily Situation. In addition to covert operations, it provides the war on terrorism with the kind of so-called 'close-in' signals monitoring -- including the interception of cell phone conversations -- that helped bring down Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar. After the rescue attempt, then CSA Shy Meyer, convened a small group of people within Army DCSOPS to address future SOF/CT structure in the aftermath of the failure, and while still under a POTUS mandate, to be prepared to conduct an In-Extremis rescue within 10 days. It was Delta Forces first mission and a horrific failure. (Source). 2023 The SOFREP Media Group. (Source). Im telling you, they are packed parachutes for you; all you have to do is jump they dont need any training or preparation they can do it all!. (Source), Active operational support is also a crucial role of the ISA. The Birth of the Field Operations Group (Later Intelligence Support Activity / Secret Army of Northern Virginia), Part 1 of 3 - Rangers and TF160/SOAR to Follow. ISA was close to making the exchange, but the deal fell through at the last minute. Nonetheless, it is known that these operators have shown their indispensable worth to both the intelligence and SOF communities in matters of national security, supporting Delta and SEAL Team Six operations by hitting the ground first to prep the environment: gathering actionable intelligence, pathfinding, and performing a broad range of operational support. Since incorporating under JSOC in 2003, Gray Fox has expanded into direct action and hostage rescue, showing that they may be the most diversely equipped, trained and adaptable Special Missions Unit in the SOF community. (Source). All rights reserved. We locked the chain back up behind it and returned to base. The United States Army Intelligence Support Activity(USAISA), frequently shortened to Intelligence Support Activity (ISA),also known at various times as Joint Reconnaissance Evaluation Group (JREG),[citation needed]Mission Support Activity (MSA), Office of Military Support (OMS), Field Operations Group (FOG), Studies and Analysis Activity (SAA), According to The Secret War by William M. Arkin, published in the Los Angeles Times on October 27, 2002, "The Army created a highly compartmentalized organization that could collect clandestine intelligence independent of the rest of the U.S. intelligence community and follow through with covert military action. The OSS was a direct action "group" that was directly involved in sabotage, infiltration, combat and even assassination. Talk about close target recce. Thats pretty frickin ballsy. Two people with a lockpick kit and a camera. They also provided protection for numerous Arabian princes, and established good contacts while down there. Italian forces conducted the raid itself; rescuing Dozier and returning him to the US without a single casualty. Highly recommended. Most officials disliked the unit's head, Jerry King, and thus, JSOC did not send the unit in. In effect, the ISAs exploitation of signal intelligence saved the lives of 100s of US soldiers from the 10th Mountain and 101st Airborne divisions. (Source) Sending agents that not only act, but look like the people of the country they seek to infiltrate makes for an even more effective cover. "In May 1982, Deputy Secretary of Defense Frank Charles Carlucci III called the ISA 'uncoordinated and uncontrolled.' This extends beyond knowledge of things like general location, language and culture. As they soundly slept in the reverie of their grand plan, the Sandman and the Tooth Fairy happened by and found the car unlocked. Gray Fox was formed in 1980 in response to the infamous failed rescue attempt of American hostages under Operation Eagle Claw in the Tehran embassy. Immediately after, he would be dropped off in a city, and asked to perform clandestine activities. A Congressional hearing was held, and the media revealed the existence of a 'classified military intelligence unit'. Intelligence Support Activity The Army's most obscure special-ops unit is the roughly 300-strong Intelligence Support Activity, formed in 1981, which has gone by various codenames over the years. (function() { Almost simultaneously, another truck bomb exploded in the French barracks, killing 56. (Source). During these operations, the ISA operated alongside other combat groups, providing them with signals intelligence support and field intelligence, including HUMINT. Come again, Cantor? I was trying to make him look at me while he repeated that last instruction. Royal Cape, Granite Rock and Powder Keg were some, Centra Spike and Torn Victor being other possible cover names. All information and multimedia on comes from a wide number of sources. Few special operations forces are clad in as much secrecy as the Intelligence Support Activity. The CIA was leading extraordinary rendition operations in Somalia in conjunction with the ISA and the help of local warlords. Plus, they wouldnt have to load the car back up again the next day what a grand and magnanimous plan that proved to be. On the one occasion where he accompanied DSCOPS representatives to the Hill for a closed classified session regarding FOG activities, he voiced his concern regarding management, where the Committee Chairman, in plain, but polite language, told him that the Committee was satisfied with the arrangements. Intelligence Support Activity | The Activity | Gray Fox The Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), the 1st Capabilities Integration Group (Airborne), or simply The Activity is a component of the US Army and acts as a dedicated intelligence group for SOCOM. Intelligence Support Activity - Person of Interest Wiki Wickham did transfer authority to the ACSI with predictable and less than beneficial results. Delta Force | That night, the mandarin and I stashed our car and cut through an orchard whose northwest corner gave way to the bollards and the chain barricade. He had literally tried to muscle open the lock with tools designed for a sincerely delicate operation. Feeling the working end of my pick with my fingers I could tell that it was destroyed; the neck had a corkscrew twist in it and it was staved to shit. Intelligence Support Activity - SourceWatch Hostages were dispersed around Beirut and those with Jewish sounding names were being isolated. Smith's book lifts the lid of secrecy on the Activity, one of America's least well known Special Ops units. var _gaq = _gaq || []; FOG was developed because of a perceived need for greater intelligence-gathering capabilities for the U.S. military. 25: More Chinese Ferry Tales: China's Use of Civilian Shipping in Military Activities, 2021-2022, Hospital Ships: A Vital Asset for SOUTHCOM and South American Navies, The Goshen Massacre and the Specter of Cartel Spillover Into the US, Dangerous Alliances: Russias Strategic Inroads in Latin America, Year Ahead Emerging Technologies and the Collection of Battlefield Evidence, How Does Matter Matter In International Conflict and Security? The moronic mandarins merely blinked and nothing more. ISA has gone by many names over the years but its current one is not public knowledge. ISA operators were said to be so skilled that they could tell whether a tank needed a tune-up from background noise of transmissions. Operatives can covertly enter enemy buildings to plant cameras. Cowan and another ISA agent managed to drive through every sector of Beirut, even the Shiite suburb, a dangerous practice at the time. INSCOM's functional brigades and groups may provide general support, general support reinforcing, or direct sup-port to theaters through intelligence reach, or they may be It was provided with a cover name, Tactical Concept Activity, and would never be acknowledged by the Pentagon. find out more US Navy SEALs | The agents prepared contingency plans for a commando force to enter Beirut clandestinely, and to strike at Hizbollah and Syrian targets. Failed Clandestine operations, usually result in some form of USG explanation. If they would have been caught, they were done. SMU operator (on ISA breaking into an Al-Qaeda safehouse), Additionally, HUMINT operatives working deep undercover will sometimes work in male-female teams. And now somebody SOMEBODY knows that somebody is recording all the cars turning down that specific road. Killing Pablo by Mark Bowden Unfortunately, the hostages were dispersed throughout the country, and the chance never came for a second attempt, but the seeds were planted for the Intelligence Support Activity. Sadly, the team's evaluation did not serve to upgrade American security standards, and a truck bomb exploded from within 40 feet of the embassy entrance later that year. The ISA considers ethnicity of agents when they are deployed. It has since changed names several times to avoid media publicity, having been alternately known as the Tactical Concept Activity, the Tactical Coordination Detachment, the Tactical Support Team, and the Studies and Analysis Activity (SAA), among other designations. "Today, the ISA operates under the code name Gray Fox. As with both the establishment of JSOC, TF160/SOAR and Ranger SOF, the task was not easy. Before it operated under the name ISA, the group was referred to as the Field Operations Group (FOG). I though not wanting to be the harsh critic at jump street found it rather novice of them the way they got their camera compromised. The direct action element reportedly trains with Delta Force and DEVGRU to maintain their skills. Both Army and the Agency recognized the changed nature of the world and the requirements of the emerging terrorist/hostage issues. ISA would operate under a host of cover names to confuse anyone without the need to know. Ironically, the embassy in Iran was on their itinerary, but, history intervened, and it was overrun by a mob who took the larger part of the staff hostage. US Army intelligence defines HUMINT as including: The sources of this information can come from enemy combatants, including regular armed forces, and civilian sources. On Gen Meyer's departure, his successor, John Wickham, attempted to disband the unit, but Jack Marsh, in his role as ASD SO/LIC prevented it, and required it be retained, and resourced. Small Wars Journal is published by Small Wars Foundation - a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. RecPak is a meal replacement for the outdoors that saves you weight, space and time in the most challenging environments, just add water. Their role is to bridge the gaps when it is simply too dangerous for other agencies to put boots on the ground, and as these gaps change in every operational environment, so too do their responsibilities and activities. LTG Odom acquiesced but took every opportunity to oppose actions engaging his traditional intelligence elements. By November 1993, the noose was tightening around Escobar, and Centra Spike managed to track him down to a suburb of Medellin called Los Olivos. ISA was asked to develop a plan of action. US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), also known as ISA, The Activity, GREY FOX and, in recent times, the Mission Support Activity (MSA), is a top secret Army intelligence unit. Declassified documents on the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) (Source) At the time, the Salvadoran Army was facing attacks from leftist groups and more lethal right-wing death squads. Special Air Service (SAS) | Once a member of the ISA passes the initial selection, it trains alongside different intelligence specialists, including members of the CIA. (Source) Training involves different espionage and intelligence methods that allow ISA members to carry out their essential HUMINT operations. On December 2, 1993, with help from Centra Spike and a mobile Colombian surveillance team, Escobar's hideout was pinpointed, and Colombian police moved in. Exactly who would execute the direct-action operations, would be determined after the intelligence determine the situational necessities. If successful, the candidate would then continue training within ISA in such skills as parachuting, survival, weapons and intelligence gathering. For a Tier 1 group dedicated primarily to intelligence collection and support, the equipment of the ISA cannot be completely verified, nor can any weapons or equipments continued use be verified. In the 1980s, extremist parties on both sides of the political spectrum plagued Italy. A case officer is someone who handles a foreign asset by giving them collection requirements and ensuring their safety. The ISA has gone by many name: Intelligence Support Activity or Mission Support Activity, and nicknamed The Activity, Task Force Orange . Stew Smith and Jeff Nichols discuss the new testosterone to epitestosterone ratio (T/E) used at BUDS to deter use Abigail Spanberger spent almost a decade as a CIA operations officer. US Army Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) | He tasked them to install a clandestine video camera (clandcam) framed such that it would record all the license plates of all vehicles turning down a specifically designated road. The US Department of Defense has defined direct action as "Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and which employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets. That close-holding of his cards was typical of him. ", Sources: How do you guys block?, I dont know how you guys operate. The FOG was able to clandestinely enter Tehran and gather the required intelligence. In 2003 four troops: A,B,C, and D made up the squadron. Copyright 2023 | Site by 3C Web Services, by Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, by Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, by Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC), by Strategic Perspectives 41, National Defense University, by Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, by C/O Futures Terrorism Research Note Series, by PKSOI (Peacekeepimh and Stability Operations Institute), by Headquarters Department of the Army / Headquarters Marine Corps, Tactics and Operations Group, Deterring the Next Invasion: Applying the Accumulation of Events Theory to Cyberspace, TThe next big threat to AI might already be lurking on the web, Migrant Caravans: A Deep Dive Into Mass Migration through Mexico and the Effects of Immigration Policy, Managing Risk for Special Operations Forces in Large-Scale Combat Operations, The grey zone: Russia's military, mercenary and criminal engagement in Africa, Deadly Rio de Janeiro: Armed Violence and the Civilian Burden, North Koreas Political Warfare Strategy Has Failed: ROK U.S. Alliance Needs A Superior Strategy. ISA was highly classified. The mission support teams help actualize the other major goal of supporting other forces in a battlespace. International Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Interview with Dr. Niamh Gaynor, Transnistria and Russian Tensions: Moldova 12-month Forecast, Terrorist Threat in Senegal: A 12-month Forecast, Terrorist Threat in Guinea: A 12-Month Forecast, 7.3. Killer Elite The FOG was re-named the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), and given an initial budget of $7 million. It is known that the unit has changed its codename over the years. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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The trials of the ISA in Queens Hunter were not the only time the team was tested in South America. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; The examples and perspective in this article, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Joint Publication 1-02 Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms", United States Army Special Operations Command,, This page was last edited on 10 April 2022, at 01:40. "When TWA Flight 847 was hijacked on June 14, 1985, America's counter-terrorist forces went on full alert. Mission. 75th Rangers Working for CIA : Military - reddit Delta Force and SEAL Team 6 operators on the loose? The operation, code-named Great Falcon, made a deal with the Iraqi government for a T-72, in exchange for 175mm cannons. The rapidly deteriorating situation in the country prompted the United States to create a small Special Forces unit with the purpose of surveying the US embassy. They also noted the specific funding line and agreed to manage it as a priority classified line absent committee discussion. Special Operations (SO) encompass the use of small units in direct or indirect military actions focused on strategic or operational objectives. The TRADOC DCS, G-2 develops, describes, and delivers the OE in order to support the Army's preparations to fight and win the nation's wars. Covert Action and Clandestine Activities of the Intelligence Community PDF (U) Results in Brief - U.S. Department of Defense ISA was allegedly co-operating with Task Force Ranger, and was responsible for tracking down Somali warlord Mohammed Farah Adid, through electronic surveillance and Somalian informants. The ISA also has a direct action arm comprised of men and women recruited from the US Army Delta . "When the first rescue attempt of the hostages in Iran failed, a second attempt, code-named Honey Badger, immediately started. One problem that plagued the first attempt was the lack of valuable intelligence. (. The breakdown of this squadron isnt known either but it likely contains logistical support for the two operational squadrons. FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii -- Leaders from the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) G-6/Ground Intelligence Support Activity (GISA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACoE) Honolulu . Gen Meyer demurred on the request, citing the several parts of the world where Army FOG personnel were actively supporting SOF elements, the Agency, and CINC. It is unclear how often the ISA interrogates subjects, though given their covert operations they likely at least interrogate high-value targets. action is "necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives of the United States, and is Typically the ISA pulls from the Green Berets due to their prior special operations experience, language skills, and autonomy. The ISA also has likely integrated other new intelligence fields into its scope. The amount of accurate and up-to-date information about the ISA is very small, due to the extremely high secrecy surrounding the unit, but over the years, various books and reports have gleamed some information about the ISA. The ISA team left Beirut in January 1984. In 2003 the CIA and ISA conducted a joint operation in Somalia. Bravo troop tackles the extremely difficult target countries like Syria which had a sophisticated counterintelligence network. It is not certain that ISA operators were on the scene at the moment of his capture, but the operational intelligence provided was critical to the success of the operation. He seemed equally satisfied when they reported the next morning that the clandcam was up and recording and that they would have the product with them when they returned the next morning. Originally the ISA operated as a tactical arm of the National Security Agency. Primarily acting as enablers for JSOC special mission units. Colonel Jerry King retained his position as the head of the group, now 100-strong and headquartered in a nondescript building in Arlington, Virginia. I delivered the unemotional skinny to the Cantor who neither commented nor looked up from his work. Operationally, the ISA is a dedicated intelligence group, doing the intelligence leg work for special operations groups. The terrain was extremely rugged, the enemy was far more entrenched than anticipated, and Murphys Law was in full effect. Additionally, ISA gathers SIGINT primarily by intercepting enemy communications or sending an agent to physically bug a target. Officially formed in 1980 as FOG then transitioning to the USAISA from 1981 to 1989, this unit now operates under changing names like Capacity Gear or Quiet Enable. He scurried off to the barricade. The SEALs, SAS, and SBS added additional capabilities over time, responding to the needs of modern conflict. Since its inception, the Activity has been providing invaluable intelligence and support to many United States operations. The order never came; a secret arms-for-hostages deal was cut by the American government. This intelligence then triangulated the possible location of Dozier. The unit's missions range from Latin America, fighting communist guerrillas and drugs barons, to Africa, the Middle East and central Asia, tracking down terrorists. All Rights Reserved, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. ISA intelligence specialists, K9 units, security experts and demolition experts were sent to the country undercover as military advisers. How to join the intelligence support activity - Quora As with any clandestine unit, only so much can be known about any of the JSOC special mission units.