There is always the potential though because God speaks to all His children. The kingdom divided into the southern kingdom of Judah, consisting of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and the northern kingdom of Israel that consisted of the remaining ten tribes. As gifted ones, we are each to be good stewards of the stewardship He has entrusted to us regarding our time, talents (including our spiritual gifts), treasures, and His truth. There was no hesitation or riding the fence. Yes it is good. Therefore, whoever you and whoever you are called to be, receive your mantles in your humility and in your seeking with God. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. I'm really enjoying reading this, she's truly a Woman of God. This is a must for believers and especially spiritual leaders. This is undoubtedly what Jesus Christ meant in Luke 14:26, 27 and 33. As believer priests, this mantle is our God-given spiritual gift(s). it is possible that the believers main calling may not be in the prophetic realm. Among these were several schools of the prophets. In the Second Book of Kings, we begin to understand the value of the prophetic mantle; He picked up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan (2 Kgs. Box 1473 Fayetteville Ga 30214 OR MY FACEBOOK PAGE PROPHETIC MANTLEFACEBOOK: ROSALIND SOLOMON MUSIC Rosalind Solomon music video channel Biblio is a registered trademark of Biblio, Inc. Help Support Independent Used Book Stores, After the Altar call Hell is Attracted to You, MYSTERY OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST: FINALLY EXPOSED. And this does not just mean pastors, leaders and ministers, but also the everyday moms and dads, wives and husbands. Available instantly. 9781519579065: Prophetic Mantel Past Present & Future Prophecy - AbeBooks - Solomon, Rosalind: 1519579063 This act by Elijah was a prophetic announcement that the gift of prophecy had been given (or would come) to Elisha. 5:11; Heb. podcast pages. I own the rights to this video and I reserve all my rights pursuant to UCC 1-308 codified in reference to MCL 440.1308Source: Interview with Prophet and Apostle Rosalind Solomon. A lot of what we do is not easy, if it is easy, we would be in Heaven not here on this earth marred with sin, evil and suffering. Movies. Prayer Requests Prophetic Mantle Prayer Book by Apostle Rosalind Solomon Book Condition: Good Book Description: 2018-03-12. Like the sons of Issachar, he understood the times and knew what he must do (1 Chr. This didnt make him a leader, but it certainly demonstrated he had already developed the kind of character needed for leadership. Unless they worked their way through school, many do not really know what it is like to face the trials of the work place, nor have they developed the discipline of work. 13:17). 3). We are sorry. Upon graduation they seek a full-time ministry without the beneficial experience of having worked in the work place, been in the military or learned a trade. Menu. Most often then, not a lot of saints are given a little bit of everyones mantles. The prophetic worship you hear playing is from many live private worship sets and public Revival worship and prayer meetings recorded in various places. Its been gradual. Many are confused about this. Others are given the ability to disciple great numbers and are very good at it. One of the greatest needs in the Christian life as fathers or mothers, as husbands or wives, or as servants in any area is endurance with the commitment. Like Elijah, we too can easily find ourselves down, lonely, and discouraged, but the Lord is the God of all comfort (2 Cor. Not everyone is a prophet. As believers in Christ, we are Gods representatives and called to ministry according to the gifts God gives us. Though wealthy, he was not irresponsible or lazy. It seems to me there is an important principle here. Tune in every Friday evening at 7pm Est. I will pray on and about everything about you. Good. We are accountable to one another to some degree, but our ultimate or primary accountability is to the Lord (Rom. If you like to be on the show please email m. Whilst anyone can prophesy, not everyone does. Only a true born/called prophet can do this. He had a cowardly attitude by lying to the Pharaoh about his wife and he could not trust God but made an Ishmael instead of waiting for his promised Isaac. APOSTLE IS Also, a Radio Show Host of Prophetic Mantle Radio Show Every Tuesday @ 730pm to 930pm Est USA time Download the Zoe Ministries Tarumah App to read the book written by the Master Prophet on the Tarumah Offering, and to calculate your Tarumah seed to sow the Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan, as your supervising priest. Only a few are selected in the five fold. by Apostle Rosalind Solomon and Apostle Rosalind Solomon | Oct 24, 2019. Also, you're website if you have one or a social media URL, etc, and .info. - Wallace Henley 5 The company of prophets who were at Jericho drew near to Elisha, and said to him, "Do you know that today the Lord will take your master away from you?" After his renewal by the Lord on Mount Horeb, Elijah began a ministry of mentoring or discipling Elisha. Click the link and download this book today so that you will know what God is saying during this trying season. 4:10-11). It is a great, free way to engage the podcast community and increase the visibility of your podcasts. But after Elijahs experience and renewal on Mount Horeb, he began traveling over the country teaching in these schools with Elisha as his attendant and disciple. Thank you for writing on this subject. When commitment is not there, we will be tottering on the fence and we will be unable to make the tough decisions needed to follow the Lord. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. I even purchased an extra book for my instructor. They were also leaders for a school of prophets who actually served in both the northern and southern kingdoms. Also on Christian life and also in and on the spiritual life. Professors have two options: use valuable class. She has written six prophetic messages to a church in Kansas and publicly shares on her website,Warrior Princess of God, her testimony about the faithfulness of God in the persecution she has faced. . will pray on and about everything about you. After claiming your Listen Notes podcast pages, you will be able to: Respond to listener comments on Listen Notes, Use speech-to-text techniques to transcribe your show and We know a few, Discover how to find constellations like the Royal Family group or those near Orion the Hunter from season to season throughout the year How to use the Sea of Crises as your guidepost. This illustrates how Gods Word works to restore and renew our lives. Also topics on many other things as well. God uses men and women in our lives to reach us, to train us, to challenge us, etc., but they are only instruments God uses to point or guide us in the right direction. Tune in every Friday evening at 7pm Est. Also on Christian life and also in and on the spiritual life. Learning to work helps to develop character, faithfulness, resourcefulness, and responsibility. The truth is your get prophetic believers who received the gift of prophecy through the Holy spirit as they desire it and asee the Holy spirit. What a loving and gracious Lord, but we need to make ourselves available to Gods resources for renewal: (a) The Word (Rom. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head Christ from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love, Ephesians 4:11-16. And Elijah passed over to him (Elisha) and threw his mantle on him (vs. 19). God bless you! The good news is, when you get a mantle you are given the opportunity to live and glorify God in the same or similar calling that these children of God had. He was able to become a more anointed vessel of the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit giving him power to do even greater miracles than Elijah did. The Bible made a point to state this to indicate that Davids job was supposed to be fighting for his people in the war, but he did not. There is a lenghtly teaching about this. (3) While some will disagree, I do not believe God calls believers in the same way today. Understanding that all believers have been given a spiritual gift(s), we should seek to recognize our gift(s), develop them, and through Gods leading, put them to work. The topics in the magazine covers wellness, technology, ministry, events, testimonials and exclusive interviews with Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan. In our uniqueness He has given us a unique calling and it is up to us to seek Him and partner with Him to live that calling into reality and to bring in the glory of the Father in Jesus Name. To obey the prophetic call would mean doing so at a considerable personal loss, financially speaking. God bless you. Woe to the prophet-less culture, for it, has no one to tell it when it's headed to destruction and guide it back to safety. Other examples of callings that can be strengthened by the prophetic mantle include being prophetic intercessors, prophetic counselors, prophetic evangelists, or prophetic writers. i am a seer prophet. Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Free shipping for many products! Be Bless ME, www, The Royal Queen Topics With Host Rosalind Solomon The Show will be on different topics like life in general and people from all walks of life. Rosalind Solomon Podcasts: Prophetic Mant;le Radio Show on Iheart Radio as well  Blog talk radio Speaker . We value your privacy and use cookies to remember your shopping preferences and to analyze our website traffic. Christians have been preaching about the Second Coming for 2000 years, we pray and hope it is not only us and our families are saved from the Coming Wrath, but that the whole world would know Jesus Christ is Lord now so as many as possible will be saved.