I pray that he can cultivate a calm attitude, and harness his emotions in a healthy and purposeful way. Help her keenly judge all her influences and touch her heart with your grace through every word from the bible as she explores the different personalities of others. I pray that You would build up and transform him into the man You desire him to be. May You and him have an incredibly deep relationship. Give them deep satisfaction in each other's embrace. Give me the strength to teach my daughter how to be the woman you have called her to be. You saw her being formed in my womb, and you knew she existed, even before I did. In Jesus name, Amen. He should be a good father to their children and a hard worker who can provide well for them. (by Cindi McMenamin, Pray When Your Child Goes Astray). prayer for daughter to find the right man. But then things happen so beyond our control we eventually have to face the reality that we arent God. Thank You for hearing my prayer. I ask for your love and guidance and for your blessings. So today I ask for guidance in the following matter: My daughter is a beautiful woman with a bright future ahead of her. Give her a heart that desires to extend her hand to those in need. Wipe her tears and give her the encouragement that she needs. Prayer scripture references: Psalm 139:13-16; Matthew 22:36-40; Ephesians 5:23-28; 1 Peter 3:7; 1 Timothy 5:8, Colossians 3:12-19; 1 Corinthians 7:1-5. He dangles the possibility in her face from time and time which makes it so hard for her to move on. Help him live with her in an understanding way. Connect with Donna at www.donnajones.org. Lord, help my daughter's future husband be a hard worker, a man of complete integrity, and a man she can trust to protect her and provide for her. In the not too distant future, her dad will walk her down the aisle, and we will release her from the safety and love of our care, into the care of a young man whos identity we dont yet know. Nothing more. I pray that You form her husband into the man You want him to be, the man she simply wants him to be. Help her grow as she tries to seek the things that spark her passion in life. May our daughters be like graceful pillars, carved to beautify a palace. Like many others my daughter has also been hurt from past relationships and still continues to be positive, although it is getting hard. My 3-year-old daughter prays for her husband every single day. When you pray for your daughters future spouse, pray that he have a close relationship with God. She is (age) and desires to find someone to spend her life with. Dear Heavenly Father, please send my daughter a godly man who loves you Lord & will love & cherish our daughter . I pray that he would be a man of integrity and patience, with wisdom and understanding, a man who is trustworthy and loyal, a man with strength of character and godly humility. I pray Lord, that he would be a true man of God. As I explore the deep reaches of my heart, I ask for your assistance in releasing all that stands in the way of true love. Instead, lead her to a God-fearing man who will love her unconditionally. 10 Powerful Prayers to Help You Fight for the Heart of Your Daughter: 1. Let the enemy know that You are raising up a standard against him with a resurrected daughter. Nudge her to pick up her sword. We serve a great God. Amen. 2. Lord, may my daughter's future husband appreciate her goodness and her gifts, and may he value her as his true companion. Amen. I pray that my husband will be safe and free from harm and danger. Amen (byDonna Jones). Lord, help my daughters future husband be a hard worker, a man of complete integrity, and a man she can trust to protect her and provide for her. I pray his heart is full of discernment and is sensitive to Your Holy Spirit. Here is a prayer for your daughter to find a suitable husband: Abba Father, as my daughter grows older, give her wisdom in choosing the right husband. Grant her patience until Your perfect timing. restaurants near lynnhaven mall . My prayer for my daughter and her future husband is based on Gods Word, because Gods Word is always Gods will (you can find the scripture references for each component of the prayer at the end of the article). May he be a man who loves other people as he loves himself. When there are problems, guide me to make the right choices and become a strong, steadfast partner for them. Please find your way to help her find the true love that she so wants. James 1:17 tells us, Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. The truth is, if you are seeking Gods ways and following His principles, the husband God brings into your daughters life will be a perfect gift from Him. In Jesus' name, I know you have a path that she is taking but her strength and faith is diminishing. I know that sometimes my prayers are not the most eloquent, but I am only human. So, how do we deepen our trust in God? Help him live with her in an understanding way. May he continue to experience intimacy with you. That is not His character. Besides knowing you as her savior, who she chooses to marry is the most important decision she will ever make. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? Amen. May she please You, Lord, by desiring, asking for, and utilizing a discerning heart full of wisdom, (1 Kings 3:9-12). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Keeper is an independent website that provides online resources to help you strengthen your relationship with God alongside other reading supplements that are anchored to the scriptures that will truly assist you with your individual journey with the Lord. I pray that he would love you passionately. We hope these prayers have been able to guide your thoughts and desires for your daughter! Put people in his life to help him love you. Teach him the value and satisfaction of a job well done. I pray that my husband will choose healthy, holy, and honorable activities that he is passionate about. Prayer for Direction God of wisdom, please direct my heart into finding the right man to love and marry. prayer for daughter to find the right man. God, I pray that my daughters future husband would be strong, loving, kind, and wise. I pray that he comes to You in prayer and is vulnerable about the thing he is facing in this life. I pray that by Your Holy Spirit, she would cultivate in her, the spiritual graces of a godly woman and I pray that You would bring into her life the man of Your choice, to be her future husband. A man who is kind, thoughtful and loving. He must be kind and respectful, but also strong enough to protect her. 3. Prayer works, even if we don't know exactly how it does. We know that you are the giver of all things good, and we ask that you bless our daughter with love in her life. This man will speak not to her flesh, but her spirit. Thank you for hearing my prayer today and always! Amen. And let her be a woman of joy and laughter whose Christ-centered character is what makes her most beautiful, (Proverbs chapter 31). God, I pray that my daughters future husband would give himself fully to her, and she to him. Your daughter deserves a man who is after Gods own heart, not just someone who goes to church. This month marks the 20th anniversary of Elizabeth's return home and on this week's episode of All In, we speak with Chris Thomas who acted as spokesperson for the Smart Family . 7. I pray that he is upholding Your Word and if he is yet to know you, I pray that you would reveal Yourself to Him. I sometimes want to be God in my kids lives. They will most likely not meet every qualification on our wish list and thats ok. Our daughters are sinners too. In Jesus' Name, Amen. If you are praying that your daughter meets the man that God has called her to be with, pray this special prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray for my daughter's future husband; wherever he may. Give her a man that wont quit on her, on himself, or on You. Typical. We know the Lord knows better than we do what she goes through on a daily basis. Her little face lights up with the question: Will you marry me? I pray that his friendships are strong and carefully chosen, and they can bring growth and joy into his life. Maybe youd like to make my prayer for my daughters future husband, your prayer for your daughters future husband. Give my daughter a man who is willing to sacrifice himself for her. I pray that he will be a self-reliantsteward and a visionarypartner with regard to money, and that he will keep an eternal perspective in temporal matters. Put circumstances in his life to help him trust you. Let us thank Him for the perfect model of a strong husband and father in Joseph. Remember, our Heavenly Father loves your daughter (and all of our children) just as much as we do. Shes so absolutely adorable, and it provides for many teaching moments about how marriage and family works. May you find me a partner who respects women and values his relationships. I pray that he relies on You for help and guidance. May he be a safe refuge for her; may she be a safe refuge for him. One of the greatest tools we have as a parent is prayer! I pray that he can see each person as a son or daughter of his Heavenly Father, and embrace and celebrate their uniqueness. Yes, prayer is the only possibility with real possibility. God, be working in him, even now, to form his love for you, and for others. God, may my daughter's future husband love you with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. Oh God, see her faith in you and hear my prayers for her to go into college. As you cling to Gods promises, allow these specific prayers to touch the heart of your beautiful daughter without stepping into the boundary that sets you apart as a parent and your child. Allow her not to abide by societys assigned worth of women, and let your truth, joy, and wisdom teach her to guard her body away from any trouble until the right person in the future comes. I pray for healing, endurance, and patience with any disease, or discomfortthat he may experience. As parents, you have the most powerful tool to help your daughter become a good citizen of her country and a humble follower of Christ Jesusand this is through prayer. Pray that she may find the right man who will treat her with love and respect. Prayer For Daughter To Have Self-Discipline Heavenly Father, I pray that you bless my daughter and help her have the self-discipline to assist her with all house and school tasks. I pray that my husband has faith that everything will work together for his good and to acknowledge Gods Hand in everything that happens in his life. I pray that her future husband, the man shell marry, will never stop growing in their relationship. This stage ofI want to marry my dad and I want to grow up to be mom so I can marry dad is a new and bittersweet experience because I was a single mom whenElisha and Elyssa were this age and they didnt have a father figure. When God sends your daughter the perfect man she is called to be with, she will know. I pray that you inspire them with your word from the bible to turn their life upside down. Thank you , i have prayed some of these prayers but nothing like this. But His ways are above our ways and His thoughts are above our thoughts (Is 58:8). Thank you Jesus that Your perfect plan is not one second early or late. The last thing I want is for us to have yet another thing were going to beat ourselves up about. Main photo credit: GettyImages/The Good Brigade, Image Credit: Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/4bpCW2ETR-Q Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/WWD93Icc30Y Photo by Josh Withers on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/eVA6Q_Ma8us Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/IicyiaPYGGI Photo by Leon Biss on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/FjAD28N8-IQ Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/5z0MO06N3ho Audio Credit: https://app.soundstripe.com/songs/9948. She and her pastor hubby, JP, planted Crossline Church in Laguna Hills, CA in 2005. As we journey through life, we meet many people, some of whom inspire us, and some of whom bring us down. Not God.. When you are worried and anxious about your daughters life and choices, you can cast your cares on Jesus and find peace knowing that He has a plan for good! Whenever I pray for him, he changes, because I change the way I see him. For Protection. Lord, You created my daughter. May You arrive in his life before me so that we may grow together in our love for you. That his life would be a reflection of who his Heavenly Father wants him to be, and thathe can impact our posterity in a positive way. Please pray that she remains patient, especially that a gentleman she liked so much can see what a good partner she would have been and to give her a second chance. 2. I want my marriage to always be strong and I want us to grow closer together and to enjoy one another. And what might these prayers be working out for their futures that I wont see for years to come? Amen. Thank you for helping me raise her to be such a loving woman. Help him live with her in an understanding way. He should be a good father to their children and a hard worker who can provide well for them. I pray that he can be held, healed, and restored in his brokenness and unsettled pain. Father God, thank you for giving an amazing daughter. May my daughters future husband be an unselfish man, who loves her as Christ loves his church. Then guide me through every stage of our relationship, so that, as we move ever closer to You, we grow closer to each other in Love, in Joy, and in Faith. Teach my daughter that she has the opportunity to accept a new, beautiful identity that is called good, not because of what she has done or what she looks like, but because she is secure in who YOU say she is: treasured, delightful, known and protected. Viernes/3/Marzo/2023 Let her learn early in life that to obey You, God, is the best way to the life her heart truly desires, (1 Samuel 15:22). Give her the ability to rise above the traps of people pleasing so she can be kept safe by trusting You, Lord. redstone federal credit union personal loan rates; 9th judicial circuit judges; charleston southern university summer camps; running 30 minutes a day for a month results May he validate her strengths, and help her grow in her weaknesses. I pray for him. I pray that my husband will be focused on unity and will be relentless in his pursuit of oneness with me and our daughters. 7 Holy Week Prayers to Focus Your Heart on the Passion of Christ, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. May we both grow in our relationship with You. My heart aches for all the pain that I've been through lately. We pray that you bring him into her life and that he will be a good person who treats her well and looks out for her interests. He will love her in ways that other men didnt and it will be so worth it when they finally meet. Let her learn early in life that to obey You, God, is the best way to the life her heart truly desires, (1 Samuel 15:22). If sickness or disappointment bring her low, give her a tenacious faith that trusts youre doing good in her life through it all. Raising your daughter and helping her to become the best version of herself can be one of the most fulfilling things all parents can feel on this earth. Help her to start and finish each day with you. Your daughter is a precious gift from God and you want to do all that you can to protect her, encourage her, and build her confidence. Donna Jones is a praying mom of three young adult kids, who frequently sit on her kitchen counter just to chat. I pray for my husbands weaknesses. Whenever I pray for him, I develop a thankful heart toward him and I am more able to see his support, his patience, and his willing heart. And let us seek Joseph's intercession as we all try to create our own holy family. May my life be ready to welcome True love. Its already been an enlightening experience as I see mywill yield, my expectations grounded, and my emotionssettled. Its not too late for you to join me in the challenge. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dear God, Loving essence of all there is, please fill me with your sacred presence. As she will get easily persuaded by friends her age, please protect her and grant her spirit the gift of keen discernment. I pray that my husband feels loved, respected, trusted, honored, and appreciated. I pray he will love me, adore me, and cherish me. Prayer For Daughter To Find A Husband My daughter is such a beautiful person. Address: These prayers for daughters, I am praying in the name of Jesus. If you pray that your daughters future mate becomes all he can be for God, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray for my daughters future spouse. Walk with my child and use your power as her protection against any form of harm. I pray You will guard her mind from harmful instruction, and grant her discernment to recognize truth. We desire that our daughters spouse would be considerate and sensitive; a giving, loving Christian man who can place others needs before his own without losing his personal identity. Here then are some prayers for daughter to find the right man that you might consider saying. Someone who is intentional about following Jesus, someone who is not looking for someone to date, but a man who will love your daughter, not just for her looks, her body or how much money she makes but because of who she is in Christ. Give me the courage to say the things she needs to hear, even if they are not the things she wants to hear. So, let us thank God for the gift of the foster-father of Jesus. And please send him soon, because its hard to be alone at Christmas time! I pray that he has the bravery to forsake any distractions that may be sabotaging his ability to achieve what he desires. Prayer For Daughter To Have Self-Discipline, Prayer For Daughters To Assert Responsibility, Prayer For Daughters Purity Until Marriage, Prayer For Daughters Future Husband To Have Christ-Centered Character, Beautiful Prayers For The Daughter Not To Go In The Wrong Direction, Prayers For Daughter To Make Good Friends, Prayers For Daughter To Protect Her Own Heart, Prayers For Daughter To Find Confidence In What She Does, Prayers For Daughter And Her Protection During Her Teenage Years, Prayer For My Daughter To Have Her Soul Filled With The Truth Of God, Prayer For Daughters Whose Works Are Not Appreciated, Powerful Prayers For Daughter To Deeply Nurture Her Talents, Prayer To Rescue Daughter During Hard Times, Powerful Prayers For Daughter To Grow Into A Humble Young Woman, Prayers For Daughter To Have Wisdom As She Goes To College, may find inspiration through your scripture, 15 Prayers For Fathers To Bless Them And Give Them Guidance, 15 Prayers For Communion And Thanksgiving For The Lord Gods Supper. God, may my daughter's future husband love you with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. 1. Give my daughter a man who is brave enough to work through difficulties with humility and grace. I pray that my husband will grow spiritually, discover and multiply his gifts and talents, and pursue daily ritualsthat will help him cultivate his divine nature, purpose, and identity. I pray that you help her to be as humble as your Son and allow her not to fear the judgments of others, so long as she does everything you have directed. I trust your scripture to protect her from the corrupt practices of this world. Psalm 144:12. Give her a heart that desires to extend her hand to those in need. Keep her away from men who have bad intentions. Saint Anne and Saint Joseph are two great saints, to begin with, in addition to Saint Raphael and Saint Anthony. 00:00 / 45:32. I pray that he strives to purify his thoughts and that he is able to eloquently andlovingly communicate them. You will increase ________________'s honor and comfort her once again (Psalm 71:20-21). She acts like she doesn't care, but I know she truly desires to spend her days with someone special. We ask that you guide our daughter in finding a man who will love and protect her. I pray that he can wake up excitedto live a life he loves every day. Prayer for Daughter to Find a Husband Dear Jesus, I want my daughter, (name), to find a husband. Restore my faith in love and divine timing.Bring true love to me, in the right time, for the right reasons.Please end to separating between me and my true love.Let the healing process must begin inside my heart.Amen. May he be a godly, servant leader of their home. Let her walk in the security of Your assigned worth to her. May their life together be a signpost for others that declares, God is real and God is good.. Give my daughter a deep desire to listen to You, Lord, and pray often, "What message does my Lord have for his servant?" (Joshua 5:14b). The one I loved did me wrong, and now its time to move on and find someone that is worthy of my love and will love me unconditionally.