Join author, poet, and recipient of two penises in her butt (at the same time) Asa Akira as she is joined by both her porno and non-porno friends. This one. That's a long way. All right, jump number one, we actually found a reporter in Dallas who agreed to give us a try and then I'll put the sign over the horn. Let's try this. Hello, hello, hello. This is before the cable gets cut. We hope you subscribe and join The Viall Files Family. He couldn't string those together as all the same person having the same conversation, right? Well, if you go back about a thousand years, know, it was thought that they consorted with witches, with the devil and their reputation got darker and darker. This Vox podcast explores scientific mysteries, unanswered questions, and all the things we learn by diving into the unknown. It just sort of no. This is April. Did you see that? Unfictional 13. And he was working at a restaurant that had an outdoor patio. One thing I forgot to mention, April actually wasn't part of David's study, but she had been she would have been wearing around her wrist this little device, new device called the perceptual chronometer. Our father is Neil deGrasse Tyson. How is that guy? There he planned to write a novel, but instead he learned how to be alone. No, I just said it was a guy to set you up so that you would ask me that question because, in fact, it was a woman. Well, it sunk into the rubber. Every week, Chris opens the phone line to one anonymous caller, and he cant hang up first, no matter what. OK, you're hooked up to a carabiner. Its about the stuff that connects us on this journey called LIFE. The Answer Key: Learning and Leadership in the K-12 World The San Gabriel mountains, location of the crash site, are north of what major U.S. city? When we first meet any Taylor. You can call me Fred. There's the same thing. Like times not slowing in the moment, but seems to be slowing after the moment? On Mondays, listeners call in for a live version of the popular Instagram series "Questions with Nick." Goodness, it's kind of a good rhythm. Yeah, like if you dropped your pen. Welcome to it! Is that a lucky cat or is that just plain Phisit. And I and I fell as you stepped onto the air. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. So it wasn't a guy then? Stairway is to don't read. How long, by the way, was it from the top of the roof to the ground below point eight, six seconds, that's how long it takes to fall 12 feet? But there's a difference between being able to predict what will happen and be able to explain why it happens. And would you see him in the neighborhood because you're still neighbors? Why can you give me a little history? In this episode, stories of the transmogrified. UnFictional on Apple Podcasts You were walking wusses, Niagara Falls is one of the great forces of nature, every second 600000 gallons fall over the edge, pound rocks below with such a fury that you can hear it five miles away. I should probably tell you guys the results of the study, but so do people report that time slowed down enough for them to read the number on the lot? Well, agnosia is a lack or an inability in proso is the Greek for face. Yeah, they just clicked. Yeah, got a lot deeper. Updated monthly. Yeah. And in fact, you just went. Norman Jr. describes his dad, Norman Ollestad, Sr., as a straight-laced, kind of 1950s guy, with a law degree and a job with the FBI. Each story takes on something essential about California -- its progressiveness, its reputation as a home for dreamers and schemers, its heartbreaking inequality, its varied and diverse communities, its unique combination of dense cities and wild places -- and each season breaks it down into multiple 20-40 minute episodes that will be released sequentially. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. But back when he was a kid, how old were you? That's he was here before, I guess far too loudly was here. It was something he did with everyone on the off chance that they're his friend. I like it, though. I don't remember the number, but they open the door. OK, my full title is Professor Frederic L. Coolidge University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Falling_Podcast.pdf - Unfictional Podcast - Falling. And apparently there are fourteen thousand nine hundred and thirty two ways to fall on the radio in this hour, we'll bring you up to date. Archives, a ten-part documentary podcast series from the producers of the critically-acclaimed Lost Notes and UnFictional podcasts. 1. She probably had photographs of herself that she signed. Her muscles loosen, her hands curl. Ftbol Confidential looks at the legendary LA city league soccer team formed over beers in a Santa Monica pub by British expatriates. Please put out more . We saw one hundred thirty two cats fall in a five month summer period. Well, he had to keep upping the ante. And as I started to look at the literature, I saw that we had a very long history sleeping in trees. Well, tell me your name first and just tell me how you would like to be identified on air. Will the asteroid come? I think I just asked a lot of questions. Imperfect Paradise is a longform narrative podcast showcasing California stories with universal significance. Right now you running now something that happens in let's say multiple sclerosis and maybe also when you get old, says David, is that the timing starts to change because there's damage to the sheathing around the nerves and that slows down certain signals. They're calibrating the timing of their whole nervous system. And as she gets closer to the edge, it's about a half mile journey. But anyway, we're going to stick with the elevators. Support Radiolab by becoming a member today And there was one cat that fell 32 stories and the cat had a little bit of sort of thoracic bruising and a chip tooth and that was it. Falling | UnFictional | KCRW Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. It's just computationally difficult. Yeah, I love that, because at first he sounds like this dinosaur falling through the air, but then the sound changes and it's just like. At first, he refused to build it when he heard what her plan was. The most anticipated trick, the one that everybody was waiting for was somebody going over the falls in the barrel. Then the brain says, oh, I thought my foot should have hit the ground by now, but it hasn't. Yeah, it does, because it feels out of control. This is Radio Lab, and today, today, we're falling in many different flavors and we're at number three. After the cat hit terminal velocity and the sensation of acceleration was gone, they relaxed. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. They've been dissected in uncountable numbers. And do what? Up to 150. I was I was eight years old. Meanwhile, a subculture ascends, one reporter explores Olvera Street, and another finds an old notebook filled with memories from his time in a cabin. In El Pueblo, producer Mike Schilitt explores the surprising history of Olvera Street an idealized fantasy of Mexico created in downtown Los Angeles that has supported generations of Agelenos. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. Originally broadcast on the Unfictional Podcast . Within like a few seconds, he's at 100 miles an hour. Or Faller comes from science writer David Quammen. This podcast explores how executive functioning and social emotional skills impact a student's approach to digital communication, creation and participation. The version I know is that he was actually sitting at his desk looking out the window and was imagining window washers falling sort of from their scaffolding, but at the same same exact idea. If you need more space for an answer, feel free to continue. She begins to hallucinate my glimpse through the turbulence. 1 hour. Into the pools, below the great mass of foam and boiling water. No fluffy back. We are all formed in part by our familial collections of secrets, intrigues, and myths. So I did. So it would be like if you were a NASA operator controlling the Mars rover, there's a delay between when you send the signals signal and when you get the feedback, when you get the feedback. Is it just that you forget where you know people from? So next, we have a story of a different kind of fall. Well, one of the things I study is how the brain sends out signals to the whole body and how these signals come back, because the strange part is the brain is situated all the way at one end of the body, all the way at the top end. It must have. They are looking at that. I'm doing the math to see how many that is in a week of days. Unexplainable takes listeners right up to the edge of what we know . And. Lecture's in San Francisco. That was his answer. Player FM is scanning the web for high-quality podcasts for you to enjoy right now. So that's your cruising speed as your cruising speed. As the cat starts to fall, he's all disoriented and almost immediately, probably within the first six feet, the cat's brain says, OK, turn your front half over now, bring your back legs around. He tells the following story. 27, 2014 Arts In February of 1979, a small plane crashed onto an icy slope high in the San Gabriel mountains, ultimately leaving three people dead. They discuss all things pop culture, sex, and feelings. The extraordinary stories of ordinary life. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. And they would duke it out. This is Radiolab. I careened and spun. Her only child had died, her husband right after that. The Kitchen Sisters Present Stories from the b-side of history. On Mondays, listeners call in for a live version of the popular Instagram series "Questions with Nick." It could be a cocktail. 3. And I got fascinated by these giant jerks at the beginning of sleep. Yeah, I got to just walk by. You have no chance of falling off anything. Producer Jaime Roque takes a ride with Ernie Moran in his 1965 Chevy Impala to explore the history and culture of the lowrider community of East Los Angeles. We hope you subscribe and join The Viall Files Family. No one. Norman's father was a former FBI agent, and a lawyer and his career let him to travel the world, surf, ski. So there were some moments where she wondered if she should yeah, like sometimes she'd walk by Simon on the path, look up and smile and he'd stop me. The episodes tell deeply layered stories, lush with interviews, field recordings and music. Always interesting with varied subject matter. That's interesting because my kids 10 months old and I think he's in this calibrating period. Why is it that elderly people fall down a lot? New episodes come out every Monday for free, with 1-week early access when you join Amazon Music or 1-week early and ad-free for Wondery+ subscribers But then we run into each other and we talk. That's right. This is what gravity is, that curved shape of space, he said. From powerhouse NPR producers The Kitchen Sisters (The Keepers, Hidden Kitchens, The Hidden World of Girls, The Sonic Memorial Project, Lost & Found Sound, and Fugitive Waves). Know much better showpiece. Welcome to it! Did you feel like you at a certain point started to actually fall out of love with him? So we're all sort of on some kind of slope sliding down unless we're. And I don't know, it's like this moment of somebody falling out of control. So just so we get our definitions right, what is a hypnagogic? She stepped out of the barrel and she didn't look right. Come back. Is there an F word you could use features? Maurcio, star of a hit Mexican television show, is abandoned in the desert while trying to cross the border. April 14, 2022 Imagine entering a giant machine that sucks you in one end, and spits you out the other side as something completely different. November 18, 2022 Two Mexican-American fans talk about rooting for more than one hometown team in Los Angeles and in Mexico. If you have a podcast listening station or ask students to listen to podcasts in class or for homework, this reflection sheet is a perfect follow-up assignment. And she was broke. Everything looks good. But at night, she crawled up the tree for safety, she climbs up in that tree, drops food there for her baby, and she's going to drop off to sleep. The idea of the gravity hero to me, one of the things that it goes along with it is that a term that was used gravity heroes. So these two pieces then feel tidal forces and then they snap into two pieces and then they snap again into eight and then 16 and then you're bifurcating your way down. One mans treasure is another mans Olympic gold medal. Should cats everywhere go to the forty second floor before jumping out of the window? With no one around to help, young Norman had to make his way down the mountain and somehow find rescue. The extraordinary stories of ordinary life. As you fall in, the gravity at your feet becomes rapidly greater than the gravity at your head. No, of course, we love our cats now, we don't do that to our cats anymore, but when we went to visit ambacher, the veterinary hospital, we were asking her about the Falling Cats research paper, which was called the Feline Hyrule Feline, a high rise syndrome. Who was that person to you? Props to her. Unbelievably true stories of chance encounters that changed the world. KCRW's UnFictional : NPR - I would take a picture of the two years set suited up with your helmets, have since fallen out of love and fall in love with other people. So I might as well title the book with that because there's a whole chapter on how to die as you fall into a black hole, which I personally think is kind of cool way to die, because what happens is the gravity of the black hole is extreme. Mary Lorson explores scenes from her childhood in a personal memoir musical documentary. Two Mexican-American fans talk about rooting for more than one hometown team in Los Angeles and in Mexico. That's one. No holds barred. Yeah. Signup to sync subscriptions across devices. Hello. And I said, What is that? It's just kind of embarrassing. 43, 44, 46 Flashcards _ Quizlet.pdf, identity will not be revealed After submitting the questionnaire the data will, 5AC4D92D-02FB-48F4-BA9C-4A31E1F3E825.jpeg, C the standard of living will decrease if the labour force grows more quickly, Glass syringes also are available in a variety of sizes They generally have, 46 42 Matching Model and Data In this section we simulate data for a small open, Access provided by 162212107134 on 011323 For personal use only et al 1985. What happened? What he means is gravity is pulling down on you in the peak pull is between five and nine floors for a cat. She took on this thing that the world was waiting for, and she did it. 3. Oh, my God. Yeah, a fellow named Charles Blondin, famous French wirewalker and a Canadian guy who called himself the Great Ferrini. Falling | UnFictional | KCRW Listen 29 min UnFictional Falling Jun. Oh, yeah. So what did you say? Oh, all right. This was going to be a spectacle. View full document Completely and thoughtfully answer the following questions. So you don't just die because you disappear. You hit an equilibrium between the pull of gravity and wind resistance. Download . There's a little piece of my brain that's missing. If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks then look no further. OK, as a result of this fact, he was OK. Wow, that's amazing. So we started poking around and there were some theories, you know, having to do with, like physiological changes in your body, you know, a lowering of oxygen content or something like this. A man finds an old reel to reel tape that reveals much more than just flying saucers and alien conspiracytheories. He slipped, he's slipped on an orange rind in Australia and New Zealand, got a compound fracture of his leg. It seems like gravity and being pulled up really fast. In each episode of Family Ghosts, we investigate the true story behind a mysterious figure whose legend has followed a family for generations. Falling - Spreaker She was 63. #recommended show, well that remmmmmmmmmmmmmmmminded me if ross caprichonis story,not on here btw. A new topic or a new idea. What was the pilots reaction to the warning? Radio Diaries is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX. It's very dark. The episodes tell deeply layered stories, lush with interviews, field recordings and music. Oh, my God. BBC Radio 4 - Short Cuts, Series 4, The Trip UnFictional In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. He's a neuroscientist. Come back. and then keeps right on going. Norman Ollestad lives in Venice, California with wife and two kids, and still travels the world skiing and surfing, now with his family. She was down on her luck and she'd been a she'd done a lot of different things. Oh, I'm Robert Krulwich. Completely and thoughtfully answer the following questions. Help Davy Rothbart solve these mysteries on the FOUND Podcast, where we explore personal stories of love, loss, hope, transformation and aspiration through the lens of lost and found notes --with the power of humor and music. Falling KCRW's UnFictional 00:00 28:30 Info The story of an 11-year-old boy, the only survivor of a plane crash, who has to make his way down a mountain to find rescue. Since a. What's it called. Right answer if they'd had a stopwatch just under three seconds. So what's happening with him now is he's standing, but then it looks like he's about to start. What happened was the events seemed to take a very long time, I thought about whether I had time to grab for the edge of the roof and I realized it was too late for that. podcast definition an internet based digital audio file made available for download, as a series of episodes Podcasts aren't radio bc 1 podcasts are internet based Podcasts aren't radio bc 2 podcasts are "On-Demand" Podcasts aren't radio bc 3 Podcasts are not live Podcasts aren't radio bc 4 podcasts are primarily talk based This one is about what would you call terror or just no, it's about time, really time. It wasn't the original barrel, but it was a barrel. And they said, that's a hip, knee jerk. Like, these are not magical creatures. Ftbol Confidential looks at Nikys Sports, the biggest family-run chain of soccer stores in LA. He also, though, surfed every morning and played poker on the beach with all these crazy, dudes. Ollestad says his father often told him not to worry about what youre supposed to do. Yes. No one's ever died on this thing, right? But finally he did. Free Podcast Reflection Printable Worksheet - WeAreTeachers And falling is number one or number two most common theme. All the pieces falling apart. A secret road to a California paradise. She thought, this is it. Prosopagnosia. Barnum saw the fall, he said that if someone could figure out a way to go over that, that would that would be a huge stunt that would give them fame and fortune. Well, no, not say that because I think people should visit New York without without receiving umbrellas. How I happened upon the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, familiarly known as G.V. You don't know? In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. I'm Robert Krulwich. Its a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Yes. But I mean, how it works is it just puts the pen down. 2. These print-and-teach worksheets also include sub plan instructions, in case you need someone else to run the show. Player FM is scanning the web for high-quality podcasts for you to enjoy right now. She's in the barrel, getting hurled down the river, tossed and turned my brain tall. UnFictional podcast Thousands were up and down the river, tens of thousands. And presumably she's going to take the next step into fame and fortune. Stories that will stick in your head like a memory. Oh, boy. To give you the best possible experience, this site uses cookies. June 9, 2022 In 'El Pueblo,' producer Mike Schilitt explores the surprising history of Olvera Street an idealized fantasy of Mexico created in downtown Los Angeles that has supported generations of Agelenos. And in other ways, it's just not yet. 1,283 views; 17 Sep 2020; There are so many ways to fallin love, asleep, even flat on your face. He then had to make one more leap. Services. Can't remember how I came across this podcast but so glad I did. Maybe two hundred, I don't know. Extension: the podcast connects to the present with a quote from Trump about taking down Washington's and Jefferson's monuments since Confederate monuments are coming down as well. You can find vendors with mobile carts and food trucks on street corners, outside concert venues, and sporting events selling hot dogs, tacos, burritos, churros, fruit, t-shirts, souvenirs, and just about anything else you can imagine. And they noticed that that in Manhattan there were a lot of cats falling out of windows, high windows falling off ledges, falling off roofs. There was like an attentiveness beyond I want to ask you one thing, which, like you just said, I'm falling for him. Which is why in 1850, when P.T. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. There he planned to write a novel, but instead he learned how to be alone. Is that the way it felt? Hey, I'm Jad Abumrad. Number two, falling in love from producer Lulu Miller, so set this up for us. That describes the transmogrifier a fantastical device from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strips. Yeah, we wanted to ask him really one of the most basic questions you could ask a physicist, why do we fall? But it turns out nothing there was scary enough to actually induce this fear for your life that appears to be required for the slow motion effect. Well, the first thing I did, I took my entire laboratory to Astral World, which is the amusement park here in Houston. Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. So if light doesn't come out, nothing's coming out. And that's why I was knitting.