Brings me to another time and place. I do enjoy this from time to time, but it is not really that great of an achievment in tobacco blending. Pirate Kake is indeed jam packed with this delightful Latakia, and it's apparent when you rub out some of this lovely cake. A surprisingly delicate and spicy tobacco, which plays in the upper league of Latakia blends, together with Ten Russians and Da Vinci (all manufactured by Cornell & Diehl). An 8 oz. This is a superb blend of all those who experienced latakian mixtures. I smoked a tin then I bought a pound. The smoke itself, is probably the thickest, creamiest, smoke Ive experienced. It gets one dimensional thru the bowl, in that Latakia dominates the experience and ultimately numbs the senses too much. I use the term ?blend? Highly recommended for those that heartily enjoy latakia, like I do. Its toasty, slightly nutty, with a mild briny tartness underlying everything. Your preparation and patience will pay off, by God. This is cologne in a pipe (in a good way). Had a light vinegar note on top. I'm paraphrasing here, but I don't have a better description of this aroma. Pipe Tobacco. bomb! First off, I love latakia-from blends with just a hint to full blown blends like this wonderful smoke from C&D. This was a blend I have been searching for because I love latakia but it is such a mild to medium and just tends to be low on the nicotine level sadly. I think I have hit the same result as the Dolly record. I would say this is my favorite tobacco because I can always depend on it to be a good consistent smoke. Maybe it isn't well balanced, but for an after-dinner smoke, when you have feasted on smoked meats, it is delightful. A few puffs into the bowl, the Latakia smooths out a bit and it is just a great smoke. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. So I went ahead and ordered it. But what does come as a surprise, even though this packs a heady punch of smokiness, there's still a small amount of room for the nutty Burley and woody Oriental's; the Burley more-so. It reminds of the intensity of Old Ironsides, but in my opinion it is slightly less pleasant. Tin note is great with lots of wood smoke, some pine, oriental tobacco, and slight creosote. Lights easy & stays lit, great smokey flavor to the bottom of the bowl, for me this is top notch tobacco, but as I stated it is very rich in Latakia which puts some people off. The unlit note gives more than a suggestion of lots of Latakia, so on with the actual smoke: It comes as no surprise that the leading flavour's the smoky Latakia. Flavorfull and satisfying. Looking up at the riggings er ceiling I noticed smoke hanging pretty well. And it makes my beard smell really cool afterwords. The "Ham Bone" aspect disappeared. Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop Cake Pipe Tobacco 210 Per OZ Ratings17 $3.29 Talk about a master class. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. This is a smooth, robust tobacco, with awesome smokey , and nutty, and woody tastes. I am currently puffing on this blend, in my Ser Jacopo Delecta, and I find this blend to be very mild for the most part. So all in all its a decent no frills smoke. I disagree strongly with those who say Latakia is strong, and there in lies the trouble here. This is the most delicious of all the latakia. The smell in the package is very bold and the taste is so bad. And so I will begin with the tin note. Tastewise, this is amazing. The smoke is smoothe and leaves a cool yet warm creaminess on your palette for hours afterward. Of course it is hard to keep lit and everything, there's over 70% of Latakia in there! fix this is a great place to go. This burns well and maintains my attention from beginning to end. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley from C&D, Pirate Kake is a Latakia lover's treasure. If you like a whole lotta Latakia, go for it. It is a little less dense than others I've had and also not at all wet, for me it is presented with perfect moisture content, but some may find it a touch dry. That said though, I quite like it! Room note offends everyone and leaves that creosote like aftertaste that I enjoy. The older it gets, the saltier it gets. This offers a nice contrast to the G.L. I consider wondefull, fully taste, flavour and scent. Nakhla offers everything from traditional tobaccos like zaghloul, a blend . You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. If dirty harry smoked a pipe pirate kake is what he would smoke no room for wimps here. It is a great blend to make other blends stronger in smokiness if you will. The taste is a couple of steps past that. I am a huge English fan and I have smoked most of the unicorns. I smoke this whenever I desire to be entertained within a fast moving panorama of almost familiar sensations that build not to a climax and quiet farewell, but just keep rolling on as a caravan that one has disembarked. Sweet taste and slight reminiscence of coconut. Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning Flake Pipe Tobacco $11.90 - $36.98) 9 reviews . This was the last of 21 new blends that I recently worked my way through. But Pirate Kake is definitely in that ball park IMHO. Moisture level is perfect right out of the brick, rub-out is easy, and it burns properly. Palette: Smells of rich peat, ash, campfire and a little spice. And this from a lady who smokes Balkan and English blends herself. This is what is left in my mouth while smoking this blend, an odd cooling sensation not unpleasant in any regards, just unexpected and strange. I smoked about ten pipe fulls and was ready to sue by the last bowl. Just sitting in my apartment in south holland, enjoying a big old bowl of pirate kake and a delicious raw winter carrot. Leaves more than average moisture and requires a few relights and smokes at a less than medium burn rate. The burley is noticeable and really brings it all together. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. Due to the descriptors I used, it is a smoke best enjoyed outdoors or in the privacy of your smoking room. If their is a smoother English out there, I have yet to find it. The best way to describe the taste is by saying that if someone stuffed a salty piece of old leather in a pipe and set fire to it, you'd be smoking something akin to Pirate Kake. This blend will definitely make you question what you like to smoke and thats a great thing. I ordered a one-pound brick of Pirate Kake (#970P). It will last a long time though, this is more of an occasional smoke. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. Li t my first bowl in my Abe Herbaugh Bent Apple. This is my new all day smoke . The bowl of my pipe is staying absolute cool to the touch. This cake should hold together nicely as it ages in the Ball jar. 4 stars denotes actual repurchase or intent to do so as soon as possible. Mild and fragrant, an exceptional tobacco. This does blast my palette out completely after smoking it, so it is resigned to evening smokes until I can strengthen my tongue. I just love it! Now, I had some trouble with it early on. Then out of nowhere a natural sweetness sneaks up on you. My preference has always been for latakia forward blends but admit to having reservations to smoking anything that had a 70% latakia content. I give this 4Stars because it does not pretend to be anything but what it is. Similar Blends: Westminster, Star of The East Flake. For a cigar smoker I think latakia is the way to go - Its a stronger flavor and extremely relaxing, that virginia stuff does not compare! This is not a tobacco for the neophyte but for the latakia fiend who wants full-bodied spice, depth and complexity in their smoke. Fantastic. Trusted SSL Protection. The process is something like consulting the I Ching each sip of smoke is a new slice of life, each new line builds a hexagram. Aprendo la latta ci troviamo un plug pressato, abbastanza compresso, dai colori vari, marrone scuro, chiaro e punte di giallo. It is surprisingly smooth and easy on the palate. Oh and it happens to just be the perfect pairing with a dark cup of muddy coffee. I like this stuff, its pleasant. I smoked it fast, and it got very very hot. An after dinner smoke for me. Be prepared to be shunned! I find that by the time I get to the last 1/3 of the bowl, I'm on overload. Cornell and Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Tobacco: Burley, Latakia, Orientals Cut: Cake Blend Type: English Strength: Medium Your Price: $11.05. The orientals make a nice showing with a nice spicy finnish. I enjoy English blends regularly but not exclusively. . In this sense, it is a deep digging mixture, not heavy, quite campfire smoky, not leathery, without horse-stable notes. It does smoke cool with no bite. Smoky and tastygreat room note and a delight to smoke! IT STINKS. As it says, Latakia predominates, but there are some sweet spicy notes making their presence known as well. I could easily do back-to-back bowls of it, but I'm not a new smoker so YMMV. Break off a piece of this "dark chocolate" brownie, break it up, and stuff away. I can taste it from time to time, not in a nutty burley taste but more of a vegetative way. Adding to cart The item has been added. My have times changed, and so has my taste in tobacco blends. I am very glad I did. I pick up a lot more sweetness, with a pungent sourness, like cherries that aren't quite ripe yet. Yep this and star of the east are extremely delicious tobaccos. It's not unusual to get a two hour smoke out of this combination. It might need a relight or two. This is a rare case of too much of a good thing. La latakia, su marcado sabor ahumado, y quizs unas notas algo dulces, protagoniza una mezcla que puede llegar a saturar a quien no adore la latakia. Has a waxy essence to it and if you enjoy Latakia this will be a go to blend. My fears were for the overall balance of the blend, with 70% I expected the smoke to be one dimensional, not so. Smooth smoke from start to finish! That being said for me even staying within the same company I think you get much more nuance and flavor while remaining a great smoke from Stimulus Package or Da Vinci maybe even Mississippi Mud if youd like black Cavendish. Deep dark, heavy, full bodied, musky, smoky and earthy are just a few of the terms that describe this C&D blend. Rubs out well and makes a very smooth smoke. WOW, this is hearty. Recommended. Originally Reviewed on 5/29 Tin/Pouch Note: Sour apple, plum, campfires and leather. There's bounty to be had inside this little treasure chest! Sounds weird maybe, but it is a sublime experience for the latakia lover. It's the taste of darkness. Comes in a crumble cake form, like a dried out brownie. It tastes like it smells pretty much. I guess this, is in part, due to solid balance with the orientals and burley. The burly and Orientals are there to round it out a bit but the star is the smoky lat. With a total of almost 9 years of age on my batch, the Latakia really tones down into something similar to Syrian Latakia. Those Folks who Love a lot of Latakia in their pipe tobacco will Love it. A few firemen at the fire meeting asked me what died in my pipe - but, for a Latakia lover, this was an incredible blend. Most likely she won't let you smoke this one inside unless she's smoking it too lol. A couple of Beauties. Comparable to an Is lay Whiskey in smokiness, though if one is looking for notes of peat I recommend C&D's 'Strathspey'. It was a suicide. The turkish offers nice counterpoint, but no standard campfire, woody, earthy et al aromas to be had on this trip. ( And I think I got the better of the deal ) So if you are a lover of Latakia this should satisfy your cravings. The room note won't make you any friends (although my wife enjoys it), and any pipe you smoke it in will be ghosted forevermore, but it's worth it. As subtle as a cannon shot full o' nails and cast iron! This not Old Ironsides of any version it may be better to some and not quite as good to others but if you like OI I can't imagine you not liking this stuff. It definitely smokes slow and cool- that half bowl i had lasted well over an hour. Definitely a blen d I refuse to ever run out of. I've decided I would rather put my money towards PK. This is a tobacco that requires you to take the time for it. Although there is reportedly 70%+ Latakia in this blend, it is smooth and satisfying with addition of other tobaccos. Pirate Kake delivers a whopping dollop of 75% Latakia in the blend. Great stuff, IF you like latakia dominated blends. Just do us all a favor and don't smoke PK, then bang on it in a review for having too much Latakia; that's the whole point of it. I enjoy the honey like notes with light puffing. Intensified if you will. FREE Shipping on Orders of $95+ (Continental USA) | Yes, we ship Worldwide . Very delicious. As it happens, latakia on its own is quite mild. I feel like I'm the naysayer here, I read sooo many positive things about this blend. Other than that, I believe this to be the perfect blend for true lover's of Latakia, it showcases the rich, velvety, smokey, slightly sweet, delectability of Latakia, while offering a robust, yet silky smooth, full smoking experience. Pirate kake has that nutty burly and the sour orientals in the background of a sea of Latakia. Room note? Easy to break off and prepare in your pipe. sigh. From char to dregs lots of nice smooth, smoky latakia flavor with hints of minor components at times. The block has been sitting for awhile again, as the plastic appears to have yellowed. Since I've bought it, it did mellow out a little and is now quite a pleasant smoke, but I feel there are a lot of better thought out english/balkan blends to spend my time with. MSRP: $68.00 I like burley. Brand: Cornell & Diehl Series: Sea Scoundrels Blended By: Cornell & Diehl Model: Pirate Kake Tobacco Type: Burley, Latakia & Oriental This stuff is amazing! Arghhhh, me likes dar Pirate Kake me duz! Okay, Have you every chewed on a bit of boot leather? The Latakia is rich & smooth, lacking the strength, intensity, and complexity to keep it interesting. But, for what it's worth, I'll add my thoughts to the site. It may be strong enough that you might want to store it in the garage so it does not influence your tobacco collection. I left the lid off for 2 hours and smokes fine now. It brings back good memories. First light I tasted heavy notes of campfire, wood, earth and sulfur. I'd recommend packing half a bowl as even after you are done latkia will saturate your very being with creamy smoke scent. Give it a try. The Cavendish mellows out the obtrusive, musty aromas and settles the blend for smooth smoke - exactly as in Pirate Kake. This was the perfect after-dinner smoke tonight. Pirate kake is smooth, and it has a strong smell, but oddly enough my wife, who always complains about my smoke if it's not a sweet aromatic, came out once and sat next to me and said, "Whoa I don't know why I'm saying this but I like the smell of that." Though not similar in taste, its like nightcap, in the sense of a heavy desert like tobacco, or your last smoke of the day. The smell in your tin is strongly smoky, as you would expect. It is just relatively strong when compared to most lat blends. Put your big boy pants on for this one. Now this blend is a real treat though because the burley in it. A smooth, robust blend with lots (75%!) I think it should be renamed Pirate's Death Wish. I have not gone back to it for several months, but it is certainly a must try for the latakia lover. I am a Latakia lover. Once the kake is rubbed out sufficiently it does need a little drying time maybe only 30 minutes or so. I could very well see pirates smoking this out of their clay pipes as they flew the Jolly Roger. And the smoke has a creamy quality that coats your mouth and nose and everything in a 3 yard radius. Prepariamo il tabacco e riempiamo la pipa, di solito utilizzate pipe ampie, laccensione rapida, un fine aggiustamento di pigino e via. While this tobacco is a little stout for my taste at this point, I did find t hat it has a great taste and aroma. Now for the pipe. I took a long filet knife and cut it into 1/4 pound bars. It's still a strong smoke, it's just got a fairly mild flavor. A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Hats off to C&D. I like this tobacco. I'm partial to Billy Budd myself, but this seems just like the same without the cigar leaf. If you want to try this stuff, you should probably put some away for a few years so you can compare the aged stuff to the fresh. Private Stock 2oz - Captain Earle's Pipe Tobacco - Not overly complex but not monochromatic either. Loading was easy since this crumbled in to small pieces. If you love Latakia, give it a shot. musk. The blend becomes so smooth that it's almost like smoking nothing. I love latakia but this is not a daily bowl for me. On the tongue this tobacco is sweet and fresh. This will really mess-up your hands when you break it up so I just did it once and keep it in a mason jar. Roasting fish over a campfire I just got this an the first bowl I tried in a briar, just didnt do it justice. Will definitely get more. Ive had straight Virginias with a stronger flavor overall, therefore I'm dropping pirate kake to two stars. sample and I liked this blend so much, I ordered 8 ounces then 16 ounces sizes to store and smoke over time. Maybe it was the drink she was drinking and that it was at night. YA GOTTA TRY THIS. I AM somewhat surprised at this ca ke's mild, lovely flavour.. I enjoy it with a strong black coffee. It's very mild and I wasn't pleased with it after my first try but I have to say: you must take it slowly because it's really something!Anyway, you can use it also for blending il you need a richer smoke.I like it and I will love it, I'm sure. The included Turkish is also very high quality and the perfect compliment. Upon opening a small sample given to me by father, I noted the sample was about as hard as concrete. I was told that this blend is 70% latakia, and I believe it. For it IS a fun and unique tobacco. Medium to strong nic hit with absolutely zero bite. Puff in front of me fire place. There are flavors of wood smoke, spices, herbs, and a slightly nutty sweetness. Same thickness, same density, and some of the same smell. It's Latakia in overwhelming amounts. copyright intellectual property of the reviewer and STC Holdings LLC and may not be -- UPDATE -- awesome blended with some Lane 1Q 1/3 Pirate Kake, and 2/3 1Q - marinate for a week in a baggie. At the time i had no idea what Latakia was or why 75% matered at all. I separated it and have smoked at at different ages over the last two years and can honestly say it has only ever gotten better. The single clarion note LATAKIA is all you get. After trying a few Latakia blends I thought I might be up to the task of trying this tobacco. I can see why some like this alot, and some who would never smoke it more than an initial bowl. Taste was consistent. If you want to strip the gears of a non-smoker, well folks this Latakia packed blend will get the job done. There's not much to say about this one, except Latakia. I can smoke several bowls in a row and enjoy its very full flavour. But this one is just waaaaayyy to much Latakia for me. Some mentions aging cake differs taste, tbh, I didn't try. It is unidimensional and stays the same throughout the smoke, again, not a bad thing. Description. Mild to medium nicotine content. While I did enjoy this with a good jolt of black rum on the side at a party, I'm not sure it's a daily kind of smoke. This is my first review. PK dominates the weak tasting 965 but 965 does add quite a bit of oriental and nicotine which makes the combination more interesting than the components. For instance, theres plenty, and I mean plenty of dark lush tasting latakia leaf here. This is not a complex smoke. The generous amount of smokey Latakia (75%) combined with the sweetness of the Turkish and hit of nicotine from the burley really agreed with my taste buds. First of all, if you are even on the fence about liking Latakia, you need to hit the "back" button on your browser now and move along. this one is a big one , with strengh and interesting flavours , it needs a quiet ambiance to aassess its extent ; one of my favorites. Similar Blends: Smoking straight Latakia. I can't detect other content in it, than latakia and some latakia blended with a pinch of latakia. I won't attempt to break this one apart - the descriptions say it's got oriental, burley and cavendish. Pirate Kake 16oz. The best way I can put this blend, is that if it were a movie, it would be about latakia, there would be a preview before the movie starring oriental, and the burley and virginias would be listed in the credits as gaffers or extras. Superb! Wonderful pressed cake is just right for the cellar and aging. in this blend that it tended to be rather 1 dimensional. The Turkish/orientals are dry and very floral. I like them when they're blended together. Nonetheless, it makes for a great after-lunch/dinner smoke. Very Piratey. Pirate Kake is only for the true Latakia Lover, it has 70% Latakia in it , so unless your a big fan of Latakia, as I am, you may not want to buy over a sample to try. A brownie of cyprian latakia - 70% (!) Update 6/14: I had upped the rating on this to 3 stars a while ago as I began to appreciate it more when I smoked in as a leisurely, late night smoke, and not as a daylong choice. Is it showing me a possible bitter ending and a more propitious way? I recommend a small bowl with a longish stem for best smoke. I got a one ounce sample, and loved the look of it: brownie-like cake (ok, a brownie left out in the sun!) . Thanks C&D! I don't have any problem smoking this. Good stuff. I legit felt like a pirate after I opened the tin - imagined sailing the high seas pillaging a town with my trusty briar packed with this fragrant english beauty. I just started to smoke pipes, so you could say that I picked up this tin too fast. Once I broke off a chunk, rubbed it out and let it sit a day or two; boy does it have a great spicey hearth fire scent! I foresee lots of Pirate Kake and Star of the East Flake in my pipe smoking future. 21.58. Lots of power. I would recommend letting it dry for perhaps twenty minutes after breaking it up as the bars can be very moist. Offering a wide assortment of styles and flavors, Nakhla really is one of the best brands without doubt. I tried to smoke this once while sitting at the barneedless to say I had to switch; no one likes its room scent except other latkia fans. One dimensional taste. This stuff produces huge, thick clouds of smoke which never dissipate. View All (167) Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 2oz Reviews. I like to smoke upon occasion - not something I break out often but when I do I really enjoy it. For as heavy and robust a smoke it is regarding flavor, it is also an incredibly mild smoke. I must confess I bought this tobacco because I liked the name and the graphic. Weird but true, and thats exactly where this blend is. . I really tried to like the taste, but not being a regular consumer of Latakia, I found that exotic leaf to be simply "over the top" in this instance. Well, no. Heck, outside the pouch as well. Strength: Room Note: Taste: WOW August 10, 2017 By: Nick b. I enjoyed Pirate Kake, and when this is gone, I plan on getting more. especially the Turkish, which I really like. Really good if you're hungry too. The smokiness is front and centre throughout. Very well blended leaf of good quality. This stuff is delicious. If you're looking for a delicious lat bomb then PK is your blend, but if you're looking for a lat bomb with a stronger Turkish presence I highly recommend Star of the East Flake. It's an insult to call it one dimensional like it's some chemical-soaked, aromatic garbage tobacco. For each referral! It may get my additional half star again with aging. This stuff, (yes stuff is the right word) is just plain brutal. Definately in my top 10. If you love Latakia, this is a must try. How ever you choose to consume it, PK is a GREAT blend. It can be a bit tough to get lit though. Pirate Cake has 22% THC. WORDS FAIL ME AS TO HOW WONDERFUL IT IS. It burns cool, rich tasting smooth flavor and a delightful smokey aroma. But, frankly, I just don't enjoy it. Once you puff it very slow it will reveal beautiful oriental spices - peppery cardamom and pine needles - never overpowered and with a nice complexity. I can definitely enjoy a full english here and there. bomb! Heavy in each puff but always controlled by the Burley and Orientals, the Latakia seemed almost like a mild perfume that the other two were wearing. If you like Latakia, it just doesn't get any better than this. The crumble cake is easy to pack, the smell is strong smoky. It smokes cool right of the tin. I just ordered more of this cake and can't wait to see what age does to its already perfect cake!!! Viene con cierta humedad, as que despus de desmenuzar hay que dejarlo un buen rato para que se oxigene y adquiera el punto ptimo. Burns well and leaves a soft, fine ash. It is a good blend but could be better if it were 50% latakia, 30% matured Virginias and 20% orientals, in my humble opinion. Further down the bowl I detected a pine taste which was not bad. C&D managed to hit a very nice flavor note! After i try PK the latakia jurney begin, keep searching other latakia bland that better than PK but i couldn't find any. I can imagine the dedicated Pirate Kake lover sitting alone at home, after all his friends have fled the toxic smell, grumbling to himself about how he never liked having friends anyway. Cornell & Diehl Bulk Pipe Tobacco Pirate Kake - It's pretty impressive. Pipe Used: John Middleton Oyster Rusticated Author, Nice. Pirate Kake does have a rich smoky flavor, but it lacks the compelling subtleties of blends like Odyssey, Penzance and Lagonda. This is the Tactical Nuclear Penguin of pipe tobacco - a joke that probably belongs in a Mountain Dew commercial and not in polite company. Similar Blends: Mac Baren - HH Vintage Syrian, Solani - 763: White and Black. :), Now, being serious, while it is indeed very smoky, the leathery taste is also there, which is very very interesting. One block of about an 1/8th of a pound was immediately rubbed out and jarred. The rich smoky, leathery, earthy, woody, incense-like, sweet Cyprian Latakia is the star component, comprising 70% of the blend. d. there were twelve principle manifestations of Allah. Pirate Kake is kind of a one note smoke; it doesn't really seem to have any complexity to it. But I wouldn't smoke this on a regular basis. Because of the high concentration of lat, this blend is very smooth and leathery with campfire notes galore. Pre light draw is sweet latakia and some oriental notes. The room note is very strong. I had it with my morning coffee and when I lick my lips it tastes like there's a sweet creamer in the coffee, which there isn't as I take my coffee like I take my tobacco Black and delicious. With the benefit of hindsight, I suspect that memory had concentrated what had probably been the modest Latakia content of the Balkan I was trying to rediscover simply because it was the most sharply distinguishable component of the mixture and such a novelty when I first started smoking Balkans. The Tobacco in Bulgaria report includes: Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends. Burns consistently once lit. Had a light vinegar note on top. If this were my pirate ration, I'd have tossed myself overboard before the thieving and pillaging even started. My only disappointment with this was that I expected it to be a bit stronger and higher in Vit N than it was. Delicious Smokey, leathery, earthy, woodsy, Latakia aye cant gets enough of! I bought a 1/2 lb of this product mail-order w/o first tasting it, based on its description and its reputation in latakia-addict circles. The taste didn't turn me o ff, cause it certainly has a beefy bold smoky flavor to it, but it didn't keep me going with it either. Patiently waiting to wreak your wife's opinion of pipe smoking in the house. Presentation: A hearty, dark dense block. It has a smoked bacon with sharp provolone flavor !!! You have been warned. :). No different here except the smoke is much more rich. Taste wood, mildly sweet, some floral and smokey earthy flavors. Remarkable! My only gripe is that I have not had much luck in storing it.